EKU HED 84063 Enhancing Awareness of Diabetes Prevention

EKU HED 84063 Enhancing Awareness of Diabetes Prevention

EKU HED 84063 Enhancing Awareness of Diabetes Prevention

Permalink: https://nursingpapermills.com/eku-hed-84063-en…betes-prevention/

Create 2 lesson plan by filling the attached template separetly and follow the instructions as attached … use the program plan attached as a reference.

my topic is about (Enhancing the awareness of diabetes prevention strategies in Hispanic communities within the US). the required lesson plans are 3. I have completed one of them ((attached) use it as an example. if you cannot do it don’t bid on it because I’m going to request a refund immediately if instructions weren’t followed. EKU HED 84063 Enhancing Awareness of Diabetes Prevention

HED 6/84063: Strategies in Health Education and Promotion


Health Topic:                                                                                          Audience:

Lesson Title:

Total Time:                                                                                     Lesson Number: ____/3


Step 1. Desired Results (What do you want participants to learn?): 10 points

  1. Health Education Standards performance indicator(s), HECAT, or Healthy People:


  1. Behavioral Objectives:


Step 2. Assessment Evidence (How will you evaluate what participants have learned?): 10 points


Performance tasks


Criteria for evaluating participant performance



Exceeds Proficiency  




Well Below Proficiency


Step 3. Active Learning Strategies (How will you teach the content?): 30 points

Steps for Facilitators Steps for Participants Time









  1. Materials: (What do you need to have for participants to engage in the lesson?)
  • Review your procedures for the lesson and list any materials that were used in the procedure (e.g., pencils, computer, scissors, worksheets, etc.). EKU HED 84063 Enhancing Awareness of Diabetes Prevention



  • At the end of your lesson, provide a PPT that includes the content you are teaching in this lesson, any handouts you will use, and the products you are evaluating (e.g., worksheets, checklists, etc.) with correct answers identified.


    • Number your slides in your PPT that you are attaching to the lesson.
    • The font in your PPT should be at least 28 point font please.
    • Print your PPT as a handout rather than full presentation slides.
    • Please put a title at the top of each handout or worksheet and use that name in your procedure.


HED 6/84063: Strategies in Health Education and Promotion


Health Topic: Enhancing the awareness of diabetes prevention strategies in Hispanic communities within the US                                                                                                    Audience:

Lesson Title:

Total Time: 1 hour 30 minutes                                                                                             Lesson Number: __1__/3


Step 1. Desired Results:

  1. Health Education Standards performance indicator(s), HECAT, or Healthy People:

Students will understand diabetes prevention health concepts and demonstrate necessary prevention capacity for better health enhancements and health promotion. This is because the Hispanic population in the United States has shown higher rates and prevalence of diabetes. This population lives on two jobs which have promoted unstainable life habits like lack of physical activities.

Students will demonstrate improved capacity to adequately deploy interpersonal communication skills promoting health by reducing or affording diabetes-related health risks. Aguayo-Mazzucato et al. (2019) noted that the Hispanic community experience challenge in communicating with other communities since English, commonly used in the United States, is their second language. Interpersonal communication will enhance their communication both at the community and national level.

Students will demonstrate improved capacity to make better and informed decisions that enhance diabetes prevention. For instance, Velasco-Mondragon et al. (2016) argued that diabetes prevalence is higher in Hispanics living in the city and lowest for rural areas. This is because of unfavorable working and living conditions in the city. Therefore, one critical decision to promote health is choosing where to stay.

  1. Behavioral Objectives:

To promote adherence to self-control measures

To create urgency of deployments of primary health goals

To aim at managing healthy lifestyles goals through improvement interpersonal communication

To eliminate lifestyle that develops negative health impacts by making better choices

Step 2. Assessment Evidence:


Performance tasks


Criteria for evaluating participant performance



Exceeds Proficiency  




Well Below Proficiency
To promote adherence to self-control measures




Ability to search for more diabetes information and adequately establish multiple self-control measures. EKU HED 84063 Enhancing Awareness of Diabetes Prevention


Demonstrate a few self-control measures





Ability to demonstrate one self-control measure




Lack of knowledge nor capacity to demonstrate self-control measures




To create urgency of deployments of primary health goals


Ability to adequately understand, establish and follow multiple primary health goals


Ability to understand and deploy a few primary health goals Ability to understand and deploy at least one primary health goals Lack of ability to understand and deploy at least one primary health goals
To aim at managing healthy lifestyles goals through improvement interpersonal communication Adequately use interpersonal communication to interact with all age groups of the other races in deploying healthy lifestyles goals Ability to adequately use interpersonal communication to interact with their peers from other races with the aim of promoting healthy lifestyles goals Ability to adequately use interpersonal communication to interact with a few of their peers from other races with the aim of promoting healthy lifestyles goals Lack of any sign of capacity to use interpersonal communication will interact with other individuals regardless of their background.
To eliminate lifestyle that develops negative health impacts by making better choices


Eliminate multiple previous lifestyles that have negative health impacts Eliminate a few previous lifestyles that have negative health impacts Eliminate at least one previous lifestyle that has negative health impacts Eliminate none of the multiple previous lifestyles that has negative health impacts


Step 3. Active Learning Strategies:

Steps for Facilitators Steps for Participants Time
The first step is to introduce the lesson where the facilitator has stated the lesson’s topic and objectives. The facilitator should engage students by asking them what they expect to learn in the lesson. (The lesson involves enhancing the awareness of diabetes prevention strategies in Hispanic communities within the US. Lesson objectives have been identified in the previous section). Students should give feedback on their expectations about the topic.


3 minutes


The second step will be an engaging simulation, case studies, and scenarios to explain the topic. At this step, the facilitators must have researched Diabetes prevention strategies in Hispanic communities and have chats to support the data.  Therefore, this step will involve giving out relevant prevention strategies in Hispanic communities.

Enhancing diabetes prevention strategies awareness among the Hispanic community can be completed by the following processes;

·       Encouraging community members to find out if they are at any risk of being diagnosed with diabetes and help them set health goals.

·       Educate the community on the basics of diabetes, which includes self-control measures like eating healthier, physical activities, and enough sleep (Galaviz et al., 2018). This information will help the Hispanic community make an informed decision concerning the prevention of diabetes

·       Emphasizing the importance of effective communication among the Hispanic community in the effort to curb diabetes in that community.

Students are supposed to ask questions or give individual more insight on the 27 minutes
The third step will be setting up debates to discuss concepts captured in class. The teacher will assign each different student roles they should play in this section. Therefore, the teacher should facilitate the process and supervise the process. This section should be integrated with reciprocal questioning, which involves open dialogue where students take the teacher’s role and develop more concepts on the topic covered. Therefore, students will participate in debate and reciprocal questioning to expound on the strategies to prevent diabetes among the Hispanic community. 25 minutes
The last step will be the closure of the class. In this step, the facilitator should deploy the implementation procedure to assess the outcome of the program. Summative information should be used to evaluate the success of diabetes prevention among the Hispanic community. The facilitator should use questionnaires to collect data from the class that will whether the class achieved the behavioral Objectives. Students are supposed to ask any questions concerning the class. Also, they are supposed to fill out the questionnaires. Students should demonstrate Exceeds Proficiency, Proficiency, Approaching Proficiency, and Well Below Proficiency. 25 minutes


  1. Materials: Charts, computers, worksheets, mark pen, and questionnaires sheets.




Aguayo-Mazzucato, C., Diaque, P., Hernandez, S., Rosas, S., Kostic, A., & Caballero, A. E. (2019). Understanding the growing epidemic of type 2 diabetes in the Hispanic population living in the United States. Diabetes/metabolism research and reviews35(2), e3097. https://doi.org/10.1002/dmrr.3097

Galaviz, K. I., Weber, M. B., Straus, A., Haw, J. S., Narayan, K. V., & Ali, M. K. (2018). Global diabetes prevention interventions: a systematic review and network meta-analysis of the real-world impact on incidence, weight, and glucose. Diabetes Care, 41(7), 1526-1534.

Velasco-Mondragon, E., Jimenez, A., Palladino-Davis, A.G. et al. (2016). Hispanic health in the USA: a scoping review of the literature. Public Health Rev 37, 31 https://doi.org/10.1186/s40985-016-0043- EKU HED 84063 Enhancing Awareness of Diabetes Prevention

Program Plan Map                                                                                    Topic: Strategies in Health Education

and Promotion

                                                                                                                        Population: Hispanics

From your rationale, identify three reasons why this program should be created for your audience. Include citations.

1.     Hispanics in the United States, owing to their element of residing in an abroad nation in search of ends, are called vibrating and powerful. In the United States, most residents live on two salaries, increasing the chances of unsustainable habits, such as a lack of physical activities. High rates and the prevalence of diabetes disease have been reported in Spanish populations.

2.     Language barrier issue affecting contact among groups in Hispanics that live in the United States since English is a second language for the Hispanics, as it has been difficult to communicate with other race groups in the families with the Spanish language (Aguayo-Mazzucato et al., 2019).

3.     In Ohio, the majority of diabetic Hispanic people live in urban areas. Urban areas are costly and need economic growth to enable urban lives to expand the need to work extra hours and to maintain more than one career. Some hours of work contribute to ill health because of imbalanced diets and diabetes regulation. In Ohio 65% of Hispanics with diabetes live in cities, while 20% live in suburban areas and a minimum of 15% in rural (Casagrande et al., 2017).


In one sentence, identify the purpose of your program.


The purpose of this program is to attain health promotion in areas of communities that have a high prevalence of a diabetes.


Write a goal for your program. Include all four parts of a goal in one sentence.

The primary goal of the HEDP program is to enhance education and health promotion strategies aimed at enhancing the awareness of diabetes prevention strategies in Hispanic communities. HEDP and health promotion strategies aim to enhance diabetes awareness in Hispanic communities due to the high prevalence of the disease in the communities.

In each box below, list what content your program needs to include so your participants can reach the goal. Use resources for planning to guide you in identifying this content.
Knowledge Attitude Behavior Skill

a.    Lifestyle choices


-Self-discipline and restraint

Elimination of lifestyles

that can cause negative

health impacts

Regulate choices that

would interfere with

diabetes management

and prevention

b.    Managing weight -Perseverance

and persistence

Adherence to self-control



Tracking weight

increase or decrease

c.     Physical exercises -Persistence and Determination Attentiveness and

consideration of the

primary health goals


Monitor schedules

for diabetes

prevention strategies

d.    Diet Control






-Self-control and


Focus on the goals of

managing healthy lifestyles.

Mastering healthy


Briefly explain how you will evaluate your goal to determine if your program was successful.

I will use the implementation procedure to assess the success of the program using the strategies that I had laid out to help in the achievement of the objectives. The success of the diabetes prevention program in the Hispanic community will be measured by the evaluation of summative information. Summative data will be obtained to help identify the perceptions, impacts, outcomes, and economic evaluation of the participants or the community dwellers. For instance, the first approach will be based on using questionnaires to identify the perceptions of the participants such as students and diabetic patients on the measures implemented to prevent the prevalence of the disease.



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