Harvard University Women in Leadership Roles Paper

Harvard University Women in Leadership Roles Paper

Harvard University Women in Leadership Roles Paper

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   White Paper; Women in leadership roles

Dr. Bobbie Loveless

Starr Daly

Herzing University

As technology is changing healthcare changes with it. The advances in healthcare have been beneficial for women in particular getting them into management positions. More women are taking leadership roles in health care settings. One major argument is that women aren’t being treated the same in these roles as men. Some researchers have found that women are not being treated fairly and there are very few women in CEO positions in the healthcare system.  The bottom line is women are just as capable of running a business as men. With the proper training and education women can be just as successful building a corporation. Both female and male leaders can bring different assets to a company and their employees.


It is more common in healthcare settings that the manager is a woman.  The reason for this is there are more female nurses than male nurses. Although this is changing more men are becoming nurses which means more men will eventually become managers of units in hospitals. Working under the management of a female leader has its benefits and its draw backs as well. Some of the positives of working for a female manager is that they can be more empathetic when it comes to being a mother if they are a mother. They can relate to their female employees and their home life. They are easier to talk to about issues at work and help solve problems. Unlike men, women leaders use the transformational or the charismatic leadership style which is used to motivate, inspire, and to stimulate team members to contribute towards organizational goals and organizational change. This style of leadership focuses on intervening and correcting employees if it is necessary. According to some this leadership style is why women are not looked at for higher management roles. Some of the negatives about female leaders is they can be very emotionally and let their emotions cloud they judgment. Another concern upper manager has with promoting women into leadership positions is that female managers are afraid to give their employees honest feedback on work performance.  Female leaders are fearful of giving negative feedback because they do not want to hurt the team members feelings (Herrera, 2017). This can be a disadvantage to the company and their profitability. It is believed that men are more aggressive and honest with their employees about their performance at work.  One reason females are not put in CEO positions is because they have to balance home life and work. Being a CEO of a big corporation is demanding and most CEOs are required to work long hours which takes time away from their families.


Times have changed and more women are having to work. Now women are relied on as a second income to take care of the family’s needs. This is hard for some women because they are so involved with their family and running the household.  “Females were significantly more likely to believe that they held a disproportionate burden of family/home responsibilities. In addition, O to 3 percent of males reported a voluntary withdrawal from the workforce for a family-related reason (e.g., spouse career move, children), compared to 9 to 27 percent of females across the survey years” (Lantz, 2018, p.3). Women that are CEOs choose to not get married and have kids because of the demands of their career. The only problem with this is women are not being paid the same as the male CEOs. This is disheartening because women are sacrificing having a family and working the long hours to be paid less as a CEO.


Women can be very successful in CEO positions if given more opportunities.  Women are instinctively caring individuals and look at their employees as people they are taking care of as an extension of their family.  They take pride in making sure each team member is treated fairly and has what they need to prosper in the company. The more a woman feels a sense of purpose in her career the more the company succeeds.  “For working women, meaning becomes essential. Meaning is what satisfies a woman while she is away from home. Meaning allows women to focus on core strengths, releasing positive emotions providing significance” (Herrera, 2017).  Women are more likely to recognize an employees job performance and reward them with a simple thank you. They are quick to pick up on their worker’s emotions for example if they become frustrated women will  intervene and find solutions to the problems.  Even if that means rolling up their sleeves and helping out. Women feel more obligated to step in and lend a hand in any way that they can.  Managing a floor or running a corporation is all about multitasking which women excel at.


Running a big company or being a leader of a hospital is not an easy task for anyone male or female. For many years women have been managers of hospital units, clinics, and other health care organizations. With a good team and support from higher management these women can be great leaders paving the road for future CEO positions. Women are naturally caring individuals and can benefit companies in developing  great staff members. Men and women are both important to a company in their own way and bring positive assets to a company. Women have a tendency to be more involved emotionally, but this is not always a negative characteristic. Human beings respond better to positive feedback and a simple thank you. Constant negativity can affect a person’s job performance and creates a hostile work environment. This is a significant reason there is high turnover of employees.





Fontenot, T., F.A.C.H.E. (2012). Leading ladies: Women in healthcare leadership.Frontiers of Health Services Management, 28(4), 11-21. Retrieved from https://prx-herzing.lirn.net/login?url=https://search.proquest.com/docview/1038848909?accountid=167104

Herrera, S. A. (2017). Exemplary leadership: A mixed-methods case study discovering how female chief executive officers create meaning (Order No. 10271696). Available from ProQuest Central. (1891739615). Retrieved from https://prx-herzing.lirn.net/login?url=https://search.proquest.com/docview/1891739615?accountid=167104

Lantz, P. M., PhD., & Maryland, P. A., DrP.H. (2008). Gender and leadership in healthcare administration: 21st century progress and challenges. Journal of Healthcare Management, 53(5), 291-301; discussion 302-3. Retrieved from https://prx-herzing.lirn.net/login?url=https://search.proquest.com/docview/206729816?accountid=167104

Platt, E. (2015). Exploration of the relationship between authentic and transformational leadership in female leaders (Order No. 3738412). Available from ProQuest Central. (1749005655). Retrieved from https://prx-herzing.lirn.net/login?url=https://search.proquest.com/docview/1749005655?accountid=167104


Sexton, D. W., F.A.C.H.E., Lemak, Christy Harris,PhD., F.A.C.H.E., Wainio, J. A., & Mastro, Mary Lou,R.N., F.A.C.H.E. (2014). Career inflection points of women who successfully achieved the hospital CEO Position/PRACTITIONER APPLICATION. Journal of Healthcare Management, 59(5), 367-384. Retrieved from https://prx-herzing.lirn.net/login?url=https://search.proquest.com/docview/1566916032?accountid=167104

Harvard University Women in Leadership Roles Paper

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