NURS225 Herzing University Nutrition Self Assessment Paper

NURS225 Herzing University Nutrition Self Assessment Paper

NURS225 Herzing University Nutrition Self Assessment Paper

(1) Maintain a food diary for three days using MyFitnessPal, or a similar diet app. A list of common diet apps can be downloaded in the Worksheets, Forms, and Templates area at left.

(2) Write a nutritional self-assessment paper. In your paper, you will analyze your eating habits, food patterns, and nutrition intake.


Maintaining your diary:

You will use the MyFitnessPal food diary app to record everything that goes into your digestive system over the course of three days. Record everything you eat and drink, and record the name and dosage of any medications that you take, including vitamins, minerals, and herbal supplements.

It is preferable to record your food intake for at least one non-school day or one non-weekday (for example, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday, Monday, Tuesday). This way, you will see how your eating habits change with your schedule.

It is important that you take time each day to record your food, drink, and drug intake rather than relying on your memory. An honest, detailed diary will help you gain a better understanding of yourself personally and professionally.

Take screenshots of your MyFitnessPal food diary to include in your analysis paper. At the end of the three days, print the final report in MyFitnessPal to include with your written paper.

  1. Download/view the following files in the Worksheets, Forms, and Templates area at left:
  • MyFitnessPal Assignment Instructions
  • Nutrient Spreadsheet
  • Guidelines for the Nutritional Self-assessment Paper
  • Sample Nutritional Self-assessment Paper

Follow the instructions to get started with your food diary with MyFitnessPal.

  1. Complete and submit your Nutritional Self-assessment Paper:
  • Your paper should be 5–8 pages in length including the screenshots.
  • Attach a copy of your final report from MyFitnessPal along with your completed nutrient spreadsheet with your paper.
  • Use APA and include a title and reference page.

Rubric Detail

A rubric lists grading criteria that instructors use to evaluate student work. Your instructor linked a rubric to this item and made it available to you. Select Grid View or List View to change the rubric’s layout.

NURS225 Herzing University Nutrition Self Assessment Paper


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Name: Food Journal /nutrition self-assessment rubric

Description: Food Journal /nutrition self-assessment rubric NURS 225 OL

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  Meets or Exceeds Expectations Mostly Meets Expectations Below Expectations Not Meeting Expectations
BMI and Hamwi #1 Points Range: 27 (13.50%) – 30 (15.00%)

Calculates weight correctly using the BMI formula and Hamwi method. Shows proof of calculations. Provides a comprehensive and reasonable analysis of the results according to both methods. Includes references to support position.

Points Range: 22.8 (11.40%) – 26.7 (13.35%)

Calculates weight correctly using the BMI formula and Hamwi method. Provides a general, reasonable analysis of the results according to both methods. May have some vague areas of explanation and reasoning. Includes references to support position.

Points Range: 18 (9.00%) – 22.5 (11.25%)

Calculates weight using the BMI formula and Hamwi method with some errors. Provides a wholly vague or inaccurate analysis of the results. Does not include references to support position.

Points Range: 0 (0.00%) – 17.7 (8.85%)

Calculates weights incorrectly or does not calculate both weights, and/or there is no analysis or analysis is incomplete.

Food Diary #2 Points Range: 26.1 (13.05%) – 30 (15.00%)

Submits a food diary documenting all food, drink, and medication consumed for 3 days. Provides nutritional information for all foods contained in food diary including serving size, amount consumed, total calories, total fat calories, total carbohydrates calories, total protein calories, grams of sodium, vitamins, and minerals. Food diary provides detailed situational information including where the student was when eating the food, what he/she was doing, and why this food was chosen.

Points Range: 22.8 (11.40%) – 26.7 (13.35%)

Submits a food diary documenting all food, drink, and medication consumed for 3 days. Provides nutritional information for most foods contained in food diary including serving size, amount consumed, total calories, total fat calories, total carbohydrates calories, total protein calories, grams of sodium, vitamins, and minerals. Food diary provides general situational information including where the student was when eating the food what he/she was doing, and why this food was chosen.

Points Range: 18 (9.00%) – 22.5 (11.25%)

Submits a food diary documenting all food, drink, and medication consumed for 2 days or less. Provides incomplete nutritional information for several foods contained in food diary including serving size, amount consumed, total calories, total fat calories, total carbohydrates calories, total protein calories, grams of sodium, vitamins, and minerals. Food diary provides little situational information about where the student was when eating the food, what he/she was doing, or why this food was chosen.

Points Range: 0 (0.00%) – 17.7 (8.85%)

Does not submit a food diary or the food diary does not include situational information.

Nutritional Analysis of Food Diary #2 Points Range: 36 (18.00%) – 40 (20.00%)

Provides analysis of weekly food intake by food groups and nutrients, as well as quantities of foods/calories consumed, and compares these to recommended amounts with references to support conclusions.

Points Range: 30.4 (15.20%) – 35.6 (17.80%)

Provides analysis of weekly food intake by food groups and nutrients, as well as quantities of foods/calories consumed, and compares these to recommended amounts. Analysis may be lacking in detail and specific references on occasion.

Points Range: 24 (12.00%) – 30 (15.00%)

Provides analysis of weekly food intake by food groups and nutrients. Little or no detail, references, or support is provided.

Points Range: 0 (0.00%) – 23.6 (11.80%)

Analysis of food intake is inadequate, lacks analysis, or is not included.

Drug/Medication Interactions #3 Points Range: 9 (4.50%) – 10 (5.00%)

Makes clear connections among information provided on the food journal. Provides a detailed explanation of how drug/supplement/medication use may contribute to diet or nutrient intake or may interact with nutrition. Includes at least 1 reference to support position.

Points Range: 7.6 (3.80%) – 8.9 (4.45%)

Addresses drug/supplement/ medication use that may contribute to diet or nutrient intake or may interact with nutrition, but may be lacking some details or specific information. Some information may be vague or unclear. Includes at least 1 reference to support position.

Points Range: 6 (3.00%) – 7.5 (3.75%)

Lists drug/supplement/ medication use but does not provide an analysis or analysis is incomplete or inaccurate. May not include at least 1 reference to support position.

Points Range: 0 (0.00%) – 5.9 (2.95%)

Does not address medication or supplement use.

Physical and Emotional Analysis #4 Points Range: 9 (4.50%) – 10 (5.00%)

Analyzes mood and feeling associated with nutrition and activity level. Makes clear and descriptive connections between emotions and items in the food journal. Elaborates on patterns and draws thoughtful conclusions.

Points Range: 7.6 (3.80%) – 8.6 (4.30%)

Analyzes mood and feeling associated with nutrition and activity level. Makes connections between emotions and items in the food journal, but may not provide details. Patterns and/or conclusions may be simplified or vague.

Points Range: 6 (3.00%) – 7.5 (3.75%)

Provides very limited information on how the student felt after eating different foods. Analysis is not well connected to the food journal. May not identify patterns and/or draw conclusions.

Points Range: 0 (0.00%) – 5.9 (2.95%)

Does not address physical and emotional response to eating.

Medical Conditions #5 Points Range: 9 (4.50%) – 10 (5.00%)

Provides an in‐depth analysis of physical and/or medical conditions that may contribute to diet or nutrient intake or may interact with nutrition. Thoroughly explores the connection between nutrition and physical and/or medical health factors. Draws thoughtful conclusions.

Points Range: 7.6 (3.80%) – 8.9 (4.45%)

Addresses physical and/or medical conditions that may contribute to diet or nutrient intake or may interact with nutrition, but analysis may be vague or unclear in places. Explores the connection between nutrition and physical and/or medical health factors in a general way. Draws satisfactory conclusions.

Points Range: 6 (3.00%) – 7.5 (3.75%)

Lists medical conditions but does not describe any possible effects on nutrition. Does not provide an analysis or does not draw conclusions.

Points Range: 0 (0.00%) – 5.9 (2.95%)

Does not address medical history.

Culture and Religion #6 Points Range: 9 (4.50%) – 10 (5.00%)

Reflects on cultural and/or religious influences on the diet, both positive and negative, and includes strategies for change. Provides specific examples and situations.

Points Range: 7.6 (3.80%) – 8.9 (4.45%)

Briefly reflects on cultural and/or religious influences on the diet, both positive and negative, and includes strategies for change.

Points Range: 6 (3.00%) – 7.5 (3.75%)

Provides brief information on religious or cultural influences. Fails to explore strategies for change.

Points Range: 0 (0.00%) – 5.9 (2.95%)

Religious and/or cultural issues are not addressed.

Diet Plan #7 Points Range: 27 (13.50%) – 30 (15.00%)

Describes a detailed diet plan based on height, weight, BMI, culture, religion, activity level, health, and medication use. Identifies specific changes that will need to be made to comply with the diet plan and ways the diet plan can benefit the individual. Provides 1 reference for support.

Points Range: 22.8 (11.40%) – 26.7 (13.35%)

Describes a detailed diet plan based on height, weight, BMI, culture, religion, activity level, health, and medication use. Identifies some changes that will need to be made to comply with the diet plan and ways the diet plan can benefit the individual, but there may be areas that are vague or missed opportunities for analysis. Provides 1 reference for support.

Points Range: 18 (9.00%) – 22.5 (11.25%)

Describes a general diet plan, but it appears unrelated to the individual’s height, weight, BMI, culture, religion, activity level, health, and medication use. Analysis is brief and limited in scope. May not provide a reference.

Points Range: 0 (0.00%) – 17.7 (8.85%)

Student does not develop a diet plan.

Goals #7 Points Range: 9 (4.50%) – 10 (5.00%)

Provides 3 specific goals to improve nutrition based on analysis of dietary habits. Goals are clear, precise, and reasonable to fulfill.

Points Range: 7.6 (3.80%) – 8.9 (4.45%)

Provides 3 specific goals to improve nutrition based on analysis of dietary habits, but one or more goals may not be clear, precise, and reasonable to fulfill.

Points Range: 6 (3.00%) – 7.5 (3.75%)

Provides 1–2 specific goals to improve nutrition loosely based on analysis of dietary habits. Goals may not be clear, precise, and reasonable to fulfill.

Points Range: 0 (0.00%) – 5.9 (2.95%)

Does not provide goals, or goals are not connected to dietary habits and/or are unrealistic.

Implementation Strategies and Obstacles #7 Points Range: 9 (4.50%) – 10 (5.00%)

Provides an implementation strategy for each of the 3 goals. Provides three obstacles for meeting the goals above.

Points Range: 7.6 (3.80%) – 8.9 (4.45%)

Provides an implementation strategy for 2 of the goals. Provides two obstacles for meeting the goals above.

Points Range: 6 (3.00%) – 7.6 (3.80%)

Provides an implementation strategy for 1 goal. Provides one obstacle for meeting the goals above.

Points Range: 0 (0.00%) – 5.9 (2.95%)

Does not provide any implementation strategies. Does not provide any obstacles.

APA and Mechanics Points Range: 9 (4.50%) – 10 (5.00%)

The assignment consistently follows current APA format and is free from errors in formatting, citation, and references. No grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors. All sources are cited and referenced correctly.

Points Range: 7.6 (3.80%) – 8.9 (4.45%)

The assignment consistently follows current APA format with only isolated and inconsistent mistakes and/or has a few grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors. Most sources are cited and referenced correctly.

Points Range: 6 (3.00%) – 7.5 (3.75%)

The assignment does not follow current APA format and/or has many grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors. Many sources are cited and referenced incorrectly, or citations and references are missing where needed.

Points Range: 0 (0.00%) – 5.9 (2.95%)

No attempt to follow APA format is indicated. Sources are not used and/or there is no reference page. Mechanical errors significantly interfere with the readability of the paper.

Name:Food Journal /nutrition self-assessment rubric

Description:Food Journal /nutrition self-assessment rubric NURS 225 OL

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NURS225 Herzing University Nutrition Self Assessment Paper

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