Cerebrovascular Accident Gap Analysis Paper

Cerebrovascular Accident Gap Analysis Paper

Cerebrovascular Accident Gap Analysis Paper


  • Skolarus, L. E., Freedman, V, A., Feng, C., Burke, J, M. (2017). African American Stroke Survivors More Caregiving Time, but Less Caregiving Burden.
  • Tsai, P. C., Yip, P. K., Tai, J. J., & Lou, M. F. (2015). Needs of family caregivers of stroke patients: a longitudinal study of caregivers’ perspectives. Patient Preference and Adherence, Vol. 9. 449–457.
  • Sajatovic, M., Tatsuoka, C., Welter, E., Colon-Zimmermann, K., Blixen, C., Perzynski, A. T., Amato, S., Cage, J., Sams, J., Moore, S. M., Pundik, S., Sundararajan, S., Modlin, C., Sila, C. (2017). A Targeted Self-Management Approach for Reducing Stroke Risk Factors in African American Men Who Have Had a Stroke or Transient Ischemic Attack. National Library of Medicine.



Retrieved from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5325085/

Retrieved from: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25834409-needs-of-family-caregivers-of-stroke-patients-a-longitudinal-study-of-caregivers-perspectives/

Retrieved from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6241515/

PICO Question: In patient with cerebrovascular accident (CVA), how will precise CVA treatment regime, with lifestyle changes, and CVA management, affect the overall African American patients’ outcomes living with a CVA?

P (Problem or Patient Population) patient with cerebrovascular accident

I (Intervention) precise CVA treatment regime

C (Comparison) no management; other solution; management

O (Outcome of interest) reduced CVA of African American patients

Development of Best Practice Recommendations/Guidelines

  • Each Best Practice statement is to be supported from the literature review; sources are clearly documented following APA format.
  • Formulate at least 3 best practice statements. Best practice statements are action-oriented.
  • Develop the best practice statement in your own words; through paraphrasing. DO NOT USE QUOTATIONS.

Review of Actual Practice

  • Obtain a copy of a policy and procedure concerning the selected issue. Compare the policy with the best practice statements developed.
  • Or observe how the selected nursing issue is actually implemented.
  • Speak with someone about what is actually happening.
  • Use this information in the next step of Analysis/Identification of Gaps.

Gap Analysis

  • The analysis phase consists of comparing the best practice to what is actually in place through Policy and Procedure, Observation, or Interview.
  • Identify the commonalities and the differences between these three, identifying gaps from best practice.


Gap Analysis Table [NO QUOTATIONS]

Best Practice Guidelines What is actually happening: Policy and Procedure, Observation, or interview Gap
Statement 1

(include citation(s) supporting best practice)

Cite the policy statement if present or indicate not part of policy if appropriate


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