Cerebrovascular Treatment Article Analysis & PPT

Cerebrovascular Treatment Article Analysis & PPT

Cerebrovascular Treatment Article Analysis & PPT

EBP Articles Review Paper and Power Point Presentation

Unit 15

PICO question

In patient with cerebrovascular accident (CVA), how will precise CVA treatment regime, with lifestyle changes, and CVA management, affect the overall African American patients’ outcomes living with a CVA?

P (Problem or Patient Population) patient with cerebrovascular accident

I (Intervention) precise CVA treatment regime

C (Comparison) no management; other solution; management

O (Outcome of interest) reduced CVA of African American patients



Instructions for article and power point presentation

Title – The Title is a short project title (e.g. no more than 10 words, no abbreviations) on the power point

  • Names of team members
  • Date and Institution (e.g. Herzing)
  • PICO question (The PICO statement, not the form you completed)
  • Bill (if applicable)
  • Summary table of literature review
  • Introduction
  • Analysis Table, stating Best Practice Guidelines based on the literature review, policy and procedure, observation, or interview related to the actual practice.
  • Gaps in Practice Narrative
  • Action Plan for Change to Best Practices Table, with rationale & identification of facilitators and barriers
  • Cost Analysis/Economic implications (narrative and/or table)
  • Theory and methodology
  • Conclusions from the project and recommendations to support or not support a bill.
  • Reference List
  • APA format (6th ed.) guidelines
  • Simplify tables and lists. Make sure tables/graphs have a clear caption so the reader can understand the significance of the table/graph in relationship to the topic being presented. If graphs are from the literature review, make sure the sources are cited on or under the graphs.

Stakeholders ( must be listed) suggestion Joint commission, government agencies, hospital stroke team officials, nurse stroke care specialist and /or therapists such as physical, speech and occupational. The professor Dr. Tyler


Sample of suggested power point style that can be used


List of all articles/ references used:

American Heart Association and American Stroke Association (2017). Self-Care for the Prevention and Management of Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke: A Scientific Statement for Health Care Professionals. Journal of the American Heart Association. DOI:10.1161/JAHA.117.0069

Baatiema, L., De-Graft Aikins, A., Sav, A., Mnatzaganian, G., Chan, C. K., & Somerset, S. (2017). Barriers to evidence-based acute stroke care in Ghana: a qualitative study on the perspectives of stroke care professionals. BMJ Open7(4), e015385. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2016-015385

Lou, M., Tsai, P., Yip, P., & Tai, J. J. (2015). Needs of family caregivers of stroke patients: a longitudinal study of caregivers’ perspectives. Patient Preference and Adherence, 449. doi:10.2147/ppa.s77713

Noonan, A. S., Velasco-Mondragon, H. E., & Wagner, F. A. (2016). Improving the health of African Americans in the USA: an overdue opportunity for social justice. Public Health Reviews37(1). doi:10.1186/s40985-016-0025-4

PMC, E. (n.d.). Europe PMC. Retrieved from https://europepmc.org/article/med/27713896

Rennke, S., & Ranji, S. R. (2015). Transitional Care Strategies from Hospital to Home. The Neurohospitalist5(1), 35-42. doi:10.1177/1941874414540683

Sajatovic, M., Tatsuoka, C., Welter, E., Colon-Zimmermann, K., Blixen, C., Perzynski, A. T., Sila, C. (2017). A Targeted Self-Management Approach for Reducing Stroke Risk Factors in African American Men Who Have Had a Stroke or Transient Ischemic Attack. American Journal of Health Promotion32(2), 282-293. doi:10.1177/0890117117695218

Skolarus, L. E., Freedman, V. A., Feng, C., & Burke, J. F. (2017). African American Stroke Survivors. Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes10(2). doi:10.1161/circoutcomes.116.003160

Smajlovic, D. (2015). Strokes in young adults: epidemiology and prevention. Vascular Health and Risk Management, 157. doi:10.2147/vhrm.s53203

Tsai, P. C., Yip, P. K., Tai, J. J., & Lou, M. F. (2015). Needs of family caregivers of stroke patients: a longitudinal study of caregivers’ perspectives. Patient Preference and Adherence, Vol. 9. 449–457.

Sharif, F., & Masoumi, S. (2005). A qualitative study of nursing student experiences of clinical practice. BMC nursing4(1), 6.

Dale, J. C., Hallas, D., & Spratling, R. (2019). Critiquing Research Evidence for Use in Practice: Revisited. Journal of Pediatric Health Care33(3), 342-346.

Hammer, D., & Berland, L. K. (2014). Confusing claims for data: A critique of common practices for presenting qualitative research on learning. Journal of the Learning Sciences23(1), 37-46.

Tappen, R. M. (2016). They Know Me Here: Patients’ Perspectives on Their Nursing Home Experiences. OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing21(1).

Tsiachristas, A., Lionis, C., & Yfantopoulos, J. (2015). Bridging knowledge to develop an action plan for integrated care for chronic diseases in Greece. International Journal of Integrated Care15(4). doi:10.5334/ijic.2228

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