The Case of The Belated Herzing Paper

The Case of The Belated Herzing Paper

The Case of The Belated Herzing Paper

An important first step in performance improvement is to conduct an internal data comparison with data collected over a period of time. Once you have a collection of data, you need to aggregate and analyze it to determine opportunities for improvement. This exercise will introduce you to the concepts of data aggregation and analysis, using the case study that we started in Unit 2, “The Case of the Belated Lab Tests”.




  • This unit’s exercise continues the “Belated Lab Tests” case study that we started in Unit 2. Your assignment is to prepare a report that justifies the need to start a performance improvement project on lab test turnaround. Your report will be based on an internal data collection (see information provided below and in the attachment).
  • Using this information, you will create a graphic demonstration of the data, summarize any conclusions that can be made, and propose a list of additional data needed to find improvement opportunities. Be sure to address all three tasks that are listed below.
  • The following information was extracted from the floor secretary logs from the past week:
    • A total of 3622 tests were done and 589 were over the standards for turnaround time
    • The breakdown by urgency is as follows:
    • Of 459 STATs, 77 were over standard
    • Of 1042 Urgents, 334 were over standard
    • Of 2121 Routines, 178 were over standard

NOTE: You might create an Excel table that looks something like this in order to make a chart that will be valuable:

Performance Data

Number > Standard 334 178 77 589
% of Total > Standard 57% 30% 13% 100%
Cumulative % of Total 57% 87% 100%
  • Tasks: You will turn in a graph for task #1, and written answers for #’s 2 and 3.
  1. Arrange this performance data on turnaround times in a graphic format (create a graph).
  2. Summarize what conclusions can be drawn from the data. Is there enough information to establish a baseline? Do you have enough data to determine any causes and effects?
  3. Formulate a list of additional data that you would need to collect to analyze this situation. Create a plan using the “Check Sheet 5 W” questions from Chapter 5 to generate a list of data that would help your team to analyze this situation.
  • Your submission should be a minimum of 2-3 pages, and can include the graph within the body of the report, or you can attach it as an exhibit.
  • If you use outside references, please include them in APA style.

Assignment File(s)

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