Analyzing the Etiquette of a Business Culture Powerpoint

Analyzing the Etiquette of a Business Culture Powerpoint

Analyzing the Etiquette of a Business Culture Powerpoint

One characteristic of professional nursing practice is to use evidence and research to guide practice. The purpose of this project is to apply the evidence-based practice process to impact health care and patient outcomes.



The project utilizes a systematic approach that encompasses the following phases:

  1. Topic Selection: PICO Question based on a clinical or healthcare problem or current state health care bill that impacts patient outcomes
  2. Review of the Literature for evidence of best practice
  3. Development of Best Practice Recommendations/Guidelines
  4. Review of Actual Practice
  5. Gap Analysis
  6. Action Plan: Recommendations for Change
  7. Cost Analysis/Economic Implications
  8. Conclusions and Recommendations for future research
  9. References
  10. Poster

This project is finalized as a poster and is presented to peers and faculty at a poster session.

STEP X: Theory and Methodology due on Week 13.

Submission of the Poster Due Unit 15

Final submission of the project is in the form of a professional poster constructed according to the poster guidelines below. It is expected that students will incorporate feedback/revisions along the way to improve each component of the project resulting in a final product that is their best work.


Poster presentations offer a fun and effective way to present research or clinical projects within an interactive setting. Posters present key elements of a study/project in an easy-to-read format. The impact of a poster is reflected in the design. Adhering to guidelines helps ensure successful communication of pertinent information via the poster format.

Each team will develop a poster detailing the information of their selected evidence-based practice project.

  • Poster size:
  • No additional boxes or folders can be placed on the poster to hold large amounts of material.
  • Do not put needles or other potentially unsafe medical equipment on the poster.
  • Do not add materials to make the poster larger than the size it currently is

Poster Components

  • Title – The Title is a short project title (e.g. no more than 10 words, no abbreviations)
  • Names of team members, with credentials
  • Date and Institution (e.g. Herzing)
  • PICO question (The PICO statement, not the form you completed)
  • Bill (if applicable)
  • Summary table of literature review
  • Analysis Table, stating Best Practice Guidelines based on the literature review, policy and procedure, observation, or interview related to the actual practice.
  • Gaps in Practice Narrative
  • Action Plan for Change to Best Practices Table, with rationale & identification of facilitators and barriers
  • Cost Analysis/Economic implications (narrative and/or table)
  • Theory and methodology
  • Conclusions from the project and recommendations to support or not support a bill.
  • Reference List: The reference list will be placed on the back of the poster and should conform to APA (6th ed.) guidelines (tape it on after poster is printed).


Experts on effective posters at nursing conferences have developed these recommendations.

  • Use a font type and size that is readable from a distance of 3-4 feet. This is usually a size 18+. Arial font is recommended. Avoid using all capital letters and script fonts.
  • Select contrasting colors in your poster layout. Darker lettering is effective when used on a light background. Avoid using a dark background with dark type. Avoid using red or other colored text.
  • Use no more than 3 contrasting colors for the text and background colors. Avoid neon shades, glitter, or sparkly anything. Color can be introduced by using borders, pictures, and other symbols on the poster.
  • Text should be brief and to the point. Use short sentences. Summarize key points.
  • Simplify tables and lists. Make sure tables/graphs have a clear caption so the reader can understand the significance of the table/graph in relationship to the topic being presented. Don’t overwhelm the audience with too many numbers. Graphs are more attractive when printed in color. If graphs are from the literature review, make sure the sources are cited on or under the graphs.
  • Layout should flow logically from one portion of the poster to the next (left to right). If the reader has to skip around the poster to read content, then it makes it difficult to evaluate the entire project.
  • Space is important in visual displays. Refrain from crowding components together.
  • Proofread and spell check several times before completing your tables and writings. Ask another person to proofread poster content for accuracy.

In conclusion, consider clarity, ease of viewing (e.g. lettering, overall organization, format), and visual appeal (e.g. space, composition, color, illustrations) when constructing your poster.

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