End of Life Perspectives Outline

End of Life Perspectives Outline

End of Life Perspectives Outline


Differing Viewpoints Table (30 points) – due at the end of Week 6 (4/25/21 @11:59 pm EST) (post in Week 7 discussion area)

Late papers lose 1 point per day late.

In the study of the end of life, our understanding of issues is always colored by the training and perspectives of the researchers whose work we read. Psychologists typically examine how aging influences the functioning of the individual while sociologists examine how dying and death impacts group processes. Anthropologists might seek to understand the meaning of death from a cultural perspective, while political scientists try to sort out how problems associated with dying may be addressed (or not addressed) by policy and law.



In this assignment, you will examine the interdisciplinary nature of the end of life. This assignment has three parts:u

Part 1: Using your identified specific topic (from the Bibliography Assessment) related to the end of life and use the UMUC library databases to create a table that:

represents three different perspectives (e.g. psychological, sociological, economic, political, legal, anthropological, medical, etc.)You choose what those perspectives are going to be and put them at the top of the table.

identifies research articles about your topic that represent each perspective (at least 2 for each perspective)

identifies the important findings of each study

Your complete table should look like this:

Topic: (Brief description of your topic of interest – one phrase or sentence)


Perspective 1

Perspective 2

Perspective 3

Author(s) (Year)

Author(s) (Year)

Author(s) (Year)

Author(s) (Year)

Author(s) (Year)

Author(s) (Year)

Here is a fictitious and abbreviated example using a non-related topic. Your table should include significantly more detail.

Topic: Junk food in America




Jones & Smith (2009)

-Junk food fulfills emotional needs from early childhood

-Once addicted to junk food, people tend to remain addicted for life

-Intake of junk food is associated with higher rates of depression in adults

-Cognitive therapy appears to help reduce junk food intake

Scrooge & Marley (1975

– In this seminal work, the authors summarize the economic impact of junk food in America

-Authors observed changes in business models as a result of the junk food craze

Springsteen & Bruce (2011)

-examined changes in farming practices in the US from 1960 to 2010 associated with the growing junk food market

-found an incremental growth in the production of crops heavily used in processed food production

Benjamin & Jerry (2012)

-links obesity epidemic to the rise of junk food

-reports rates of chronic disease linked to junk food

-found direct correlation between amount of junk food and risk for Type 2 diabetes

Achey & Breakie (2011)

-links junk food to premature development in rural girls aged 8 to 10

-similar findings in pre-adolescent boys in urban settings, but not in rural boys of the same age

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