Agencies Managing the Health Sector Health Costs Discussion

Agencies Managing the Health Sector Health Costs Discussion

Agencies Managing the Health Sector Health Costs Discussion

Respond as a peer to the following discussion post. Use at least 1 reference and a 150-200 word count.

Health care regulations have been largely unsuccessful due to “system-wide cost controls are almost impossible to implement in a quasi-market system” (Shi & Singh, 2019, p. 501). In the United States, there is not one entity that has control of health care spending. Single-payer systems that are used in other countries regulate spending from the top down. The government in those countries has control and manages the budgets in the health care system. The United States’ health care system allows for providers and managed care organizations (MCO) to set fees, leading to competition and higher costs. Another example of the unregulation is the increasing price of pharmaceuticals. The struggle for some diabetics to obtain and afford insulin is heartbreaking.



An article in the Commonwealth Fund (2020) discussed how various countries control health care costs. In Australia, the government negotiates the price of pharmaceuticals with suppliers. Canada used control with a single-payer purchasing and puts restrictions on areas of capital and technology. Denmark calls their control “budget law.” Budgets are set for regions and municipalities. England is similar in that a national health care budget is established. There are various examples of ways to control health care costs. The question is how does a multi-payer health care system utilize one of those examples.


Shi, L. & Singh D. A. (2019). Delivering Health Care in America A System Approach (7th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.

The Commonwealth Fund. (2020, June 5). Health system features: How are costs contained?…

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