Is Vaping a Safer Alternative to Smoking Cigarettes Discussion

Is Vaping a Safer Alternative to Smoking Cigarettes Discussion

Is Vaping a Safer Alternative to Smoking Cigarettes Discussion

1) Submit an original post, in your own words citing at least 1 published source- our textbook counts, that answers the question or questions listed for the assignment (at least 150 words long- prepared in advance) posted by the deadline. Write your post as if it were a written assignment that you would turn in. Many people have points deducted because they submit their posts using slang language, e-mail or a text message formats. Note: Do not forget to capitalize the letter “I”. If you need help using proper grammar click onto the external links button and use the Purdue Owl Writing center.




2) Respond to at least 2 other student’s posts. Note: Responding posts can be posted up to 2 days after the deadline for your original post. You MUST use citations (at least 1) for each reply posting.

The Argument:

To Vape or not to Vape? Is Vaping a safer alternative to smoking cigarettes?

Choose to be Pro or Con

Proponents (pro) believe– Vaping is a safer alternative to smoking traditional cigarettes. They do not contain the many known carcinogenic ingredients that cause chronic disease and death. They also allow people a method of smoking cessation that will help them quit the use of nicotine altogether.

Opponents believe (Con)- E-cigarettes are potentially explosive devices that addict teens and young adults to nicotine and most likely cause unknown serious health problems.

Research 3 Key Pro or Con points about the Vaping debate depending on what position you choose. You will only represent either the Pro side or the Con side. NOTE: You can take either side of the issue despite your personal beliefs.

Make sure you indicate whether you are representing the Pro position or Con (example: I am taking the Pro position because……) position then:

List/describe your 3 key points. Make sure you include why you believe these points (you must back up your opinion with at least one reference for each point!).

When you respond to other students’ posts make sure you also back up your thoughts/opinions with referenced material (at least one cited reference for each reply).

Use the following website as your first source-


Other helpful websites to look at are:


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