Social and Emotional Development in Siblings of Children with Autism

Social and Emotional Development in Siblings of Children with Autism

Social and Emotional Development in Siblings of Children with Autism


    1. Autistic individuals typically exhibit behaviors that are disruptive to family life (Kaminsky & Dewey 2002).
    2. 1 in 68 children, ages 3-17 have been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders (CDC, 2016).
    3. Research on the impact of such diagnoses on younger siblings is limited, focusing mostly on co-occurring diagnoses such as anxiety (Kaminsky & Dewey, 2002; Shivers, Deisenroth, & Taylor, 2012).
    4. Previous studies have examined expansive demographic groups with small sample sizes (Quintero & McIntyre, 2010).
    5. Results have been inconsistent across previous research (Kaminsky & Dewey, 2002; Presmanes, Walden, Stone, & Yoder, 2006; Pilowsky et al., 2004; Quintero & McIntyre, 2010; Shivers, Deisenroth, & Taylor, 2012)
    6. This study will examine the adjustment of elementary school children who have a sibling with ASD on social and emotional development compared with siblings of other disabilities and siblings of neuro-typical children.



  • Body:
    1. Social Adjustment
      1. Having a sibling with autism negatively effects a child’s social adjustment in elementary school aged children.
      2. Siblings of children with disabilities are similarly adjusted to children of neuro-typical siblings; except when the disability impacts language (Pilowsky et al. 2002).
  • Siblings of children with ASD are less responsive to social cueing than siblings of neuro-typical children (Presmanes, Walden, Stone, & Yoder, 2016)
  1. Siblings with high levels of early intervention social support show improved adjustment (Kaminsky & Dewey, 2002).
  1. Emotional
    1. Having a sibling with autism negatively effects a child’s emotional responsiveness.
    2. Siblings of children with ASD are at an increased risk for behavioral problems related to maternal well-being (Quintero & McIntyre, 2010).
  • High levels of familial stress negatively impact the emotional adjustment of siblings of children with autism (Pilowsky et al., 2004).
  1. Siblings of children with ASD have increased anxiety symptoms by middle school compared with control condition peers (Shivers, Deisenroth, & Taylor, 2012).
  • Hypothesis: Elementary school aged siblings of children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders will have delayed social development and low emotional adjustment compared with siblings of neuro-typical children.




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