Impact of Mental Health on Adolescent Academic Outcomes

Impact of Mental Health on Adolescent Academic Outcomes

Impact of Mental Health on Adolescent Academic Outcomes

My topic – The Impact of mental health and how it affects adolescent academic outcomes

You will need to use the 4 articles i sent

I have attached the instructions and an example of how the professor wants the outline to look


Introduction Outline + Hypothesis

The purpose of having you turn in an outline and ‘polished’ hypothesis statement is to help you organize your literature review and for me to make sure you chose a topic that will be feasible and focused. The more detail you provide in the outline the more I can guide you. You should include citations so that I can see where and how you are incorporating your journal articles. Remember, one of our goals is to learn to synthesize and organize information from multiple sources. This means that there should be multiple citations in each paragraph.  I would strongly recommend using subheadings in your introduction – this will help you organize your thoughts and will help the reader (me) follow your ideas. There are a lot of resources to help you write an Introduction section including some previous student’s outlines and papers posted on the course page as examples. If you need help finding others, let me know.


After you write out the outline, I want a DETAILED hypothesis using feedback from previous assignments. I should know exactly what variables you are using and what you are predicting. For this assignment, please use Times New Roman, 12 pt font, black ink. Please DOUBLE SPACE this assignment. I think that in terms of organization, using Roman Numerals would be best, but I will leave that up to you:


Remember, your introduction section should follow a funnel outline:


General information – introduction to the topic/why it is important


Review the literature pertaining to the

most salient aspects of your question


Link your literature

review to your topic


State your



Reminder: You want to incorporate multiple articles into each paragraph – this will help you make a stronger point/build a stronger argument. Thus, I would expect to see multiple citations in each paragraph as opposed to reviewing each of your articles one at a time.


You will also want to start thinking about your operational definitions for each of your variables – how do you plan on measuring your variables? For example, if you were looking at stress, you might operationalize stress as participants’ scores on a stress questionnaire or maybe using a physiological measure such as heartrate. It is up to you and depends on the study you are proposing.


Grading: The outline is worth 10 points and the hypothesis is worth 5 points for a total of 15. Points may be deducted for insufficient detail in the outline including, but not limited to, lack of citations incorporated into the outline or lack of improvement on the hypothesis from previous drafts.


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