Discussion: Fraud and Abuse in Healthcare

Discussion: Fraud and Abuse in Healthcare

Discussion: Fraud and Abuse in Healthcare

Question Description

Fraud is rampant in the healthcare industry. The size, scope, and complexity of the healthcare industry can attract individuals and organizations intending to defraud third-party payers, government agencies, and individuals. This fraud is perpetrated by those looking to access the billions of dollars available for legitimate medical care to patients needing services at all levels. By fraudulently billing for services that were not provided, kicking back monies to individuals, and carrying out other dishonest and unethical practices, individuals have stolen taxpayer funds and potentially prevented people in need from receiving necessary care. This multi-billion-dollar fraud has come under increasingly intense investigation, enforcement, and prosecution by a multitude of federal, state, and local agencies. Through their activities, billions are being recovered. According to the U.S. Department of Justice, more than $2.5 billion was collected in settlements and judgments from cases involving fraud and false claims in the healthcare industry during 2016. For the seventh consecutive year, healthcare fraud recoveries exceeded $2 billion.

Healthcare leaders must be familiar with the agencies, regulations, statutes, and practice codes that impact the delivery of healthcare. Today’s healthcare leaders must understand the importance of establishing proactive compliance processes and be able to recognize and address potential situations at risk for fraud and abuse.

Discussion: Fraud and Abuse in Healthcare


This week, assigned Presenters should post a PowerPoint presentation with a detailed notes section that contains the following:

  • Incorporation and analysis of the Learning Resources from this 2-week unit, including identification of any apparent gaps in the literature
  • An original research topic related to the week’s literature (the proposed research topic can be related to the general topic for the week or to gaps in the literature for the week, or it can be related to a specific reading for the week)
  • Background information on the research topic, including identification of principal schools of thought, tendencies in the academic literature, or commonalities that define the academic scholarship regarding your topic
  • Evaluation of the main concepts with a focus on their application to business/management practice and their impact on positive social change
  • A minimum of 10 peer-reviewed, scholarly new references

Note: The presentation must be in APA format and must incorporate direct evidence of addressing the Learning Objectives from this 2-week unit. Each of the content slides must include detailed notes/paragraphs with appropriate citation of peer-reviewed, scholarly references.

list of resources:

Pozgar, G. D. (2016). Legal and ethical issues for health professionals (4th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

  • Chapter 2, “Contemporary Ethical Dilemmas” (pp. 66–120)
  • Chapter 13, “Patient Abuse” (pp. 417–436)

Allen, L. P. (2013). Fighting Medicare fraud under the False Claims Act. Health Law Litigation, 10(2), 2¬–6. Retrieved from http://www.americanbar.org/publications/litigation…
Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.

Beimers, T., Disenhaus, J., Kanner, S., Smith, C., Trilling, H., Wisor, R., Andonova, E., Furlow, A., & Thiess, D. (2017). OIG finalizes wide-ranging amendments to civil monetary penalties regulations and Anti-Kickback Statute safe harbors. Journal of Health Care Compliance, 19(1), 9–52. Retrieved from https://lrus.wolterskluwer.com/store/products/jour…
Note: This article is 8 non-consecutive pages in length. You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.

Holland, R. (2014). Of discounts and dangers: Swapping, discounting, and the Anti-Kickback Statute. Journal of Health Care Compliance, 16(1), 37–40. Retrieved from https://lrus.wolterskluwer.com/store/products/jour…
Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.

Mathews, C. (2015). The hospital readmission reduction program: Fraud and abuse concerns. DePaul Journal of Health Care Law, 17(1), 31–46. Retrieved from http://via.library.depaul.edu/jhcl/
Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.

Pham, G. (2015). 2014 healthcare False Claims Act developments. Health Law Litigation, 12(2), 5–9. Retrieved from http://www.americanbar.org/publications/litigation…
Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.

Sidhu, A. S. (2015). The growing threat of qui tam litigation against healthcare providers. Health Law Litigation, 12(1), 12–19. Retrieved from http://www.americanbar.org/publications/litigation…
Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.

Discussion: Fraud and Abuse in Healthcare

Westling, C. R., Walsh, T., & Nelson, W. A. (2017). Perceived ethics dilemmas among Pioneer accountable care organizations. Journal of Healthcare Management 62(1), 18–27. Retrieved from https://www.ache.org/pubs/jhm/jhm_index.cfm
Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.


[Presentation Title Goes Here] [Your Name Here] Walden University [Heading Goes Here] • Go to the Home tab at the top and click the New Slide or Layout button to access different formatting for your slides. • Choose formatting that presents your information in the most logical way. • Use consistent, grammatically parallel format for bulleted lists (for example, on this slide, each element begins with an imperative verb). [Heading Goes Here] • Keep font of text consistent. • Be sure headings are consistent in their spacing, placement, size, etc. • Consider using the slide after the title slide to summarize your presentation’s points (like an abstract for a paper). [Heading Goes Here] Your slides can also contain entire paragraphs, like this one does. Citation rules apply to presentations just as they do to papers—when using or referencing another author’s ideas, you must cite that source. When incorporating a citation in a slide, do so just as you would in a traditional paper (Smith, 2010). According to Jones (2007), presentations aren’t very different from papers! [Heading Goes Here] Use APA style rules to format any tables and figures in your presentation: Figure 1. Bar graph showing useful information. From “Utilizing bar graphs,” by A. Jones, 2011, Journal of Handy Graphs, 76(2), p. 3. Reprinted with permission. [Heading Goes Here] • Remember to adhere to any assignment guidelines regarding presentation format. This template contains suggestions only. • Keep in mind that there is no such thing as an “APA standard PowerPoint.” Review http://blog.apastyle.org/apastyle/2010/09/dearprofessor.html for more information! References Always include a reference list at the end of your presentation, just like you would in a paper. Reference list entries take the same format they would in a paper: Jones, P. (2004). This great book. New York, NY: Publisher. Smith, W., & Cat, D. (2010). How to make a good presentation great. Presentations Quarterly, 45(4), 56-59. doi:10.123.45/abc Presentation  Format     During  one  set  of  paired  weeks  in  this  course,  you  will  be  appointed  as  a  Presenter.   When  you  are  the  Presenter,  you  will  prepare  an  individual  academic  presentation,   much  like  a  poster  session.  Your  presentation  should  include  an  analysis  and  synthesis   of  prior  research,  and  your  presentation  begins  the  interaction  with  your  colleagues.  You   will  prepare  a  PowerPoint  presentation  of  7–10  slides  to  demonstrate  your   understanding  of  the  research.       Outline  for  Presentations     The  following  PowerPoint  presentation  outline  is  suggested:     Slide   Number   Slide  1   Slides  2–3   Slides  4–6   Slides  7–8   Slides  9–10   Contents  of  Slide  should  include:   Title  Slide—Weeks  X–X/Week  Title/Presenter  Name
An  incorporation  and  analysis  of  the  Required  Resources  from  this  pair  of  weeks,   including  identification  of  an  original  research  topic  (related  to  the  general  topic  for  the   week,  to  a  specific  reading  for  the  week,  or  to  apparent  gaps  in  the  literature)   An  identification  of  principal  schools  of  thought,  tendencies  in  the  academic  literature,   or  commonalities  that  define  the  academic  scholarship  regarding  your  topic   An  evaluation  of  the  main  concepts  with  a  focus  on  their  application  to   business/management  practice  and  their  impact  on  positive  social  change   APA-­formatted  References  slide(s)  (to  include  a  minimum  of  10  peer-­reviewed,   scholarly  new  references)     Guidelines  for  Presentations     You  must  use  APA  formatting  throughout  your  presentation  and  incorporate  direct   evidence  of  addressing  the  Learning  Objectives  from  this  2-­week  unit.  Each  of  the   content  slides  must  include  detailed  notes/paragraphs  in  the  Notes  section  with   appropriate  citation  of  peer-­reviewed,  scholarly  references.  Please  refer  to  the   Presentation  Rubric  for  specific  grading  elements  and  criteria.       Note:  If  you  choose  to  include  graphics  of  any  kind  in  your  presentation,  be  prepared  to   accommodate  participants  with  vision  loss.  Know  that  you  may  have  to  provide  a  written   description  of  graphic  or  pictorial  material  for  a  fellow  student  who  is  visually  impaired.         o   It  is  the  responsibility  of  any  participant  with  a  disability  that  limits  access  to   the  PowerPoint  presentations  to  contact  the  Instructor  and/or  Disability   Services  to  make  a  specific  request  regarding  this  assignment.   ©  2016  Laureate  Education,  Inc.     Page  1  of  1   …
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