Authentic Leadership- social science assignment

Authentic Leadership- social science assignment

Authentic Leadership- social science assignment

Authentic Leadership measurements focus on areas of self-awareness and personal ethics, among others. Understanding your level of these areas might help you recognize your strengths as an authentic leader. You can then determine how those strengths might be incorporated into your role as a team leader.



To prepare for this Assignment, go to the “Authentic Leadership Self-Assessment Questionnaire” and the “Team Excellence and Collaborative Team Leader Questionnaire” in the course text,Leadership: Theory and Practice. For the team leader survey, select any team that you have been the leader of in the past. Take each survey and be as honest and objective as you can. Keep your scores for analysis in the Final Research Paper.

Write a2- to 3-pagepaper describing your experience with the “Authentic Leadership Self-Assessment Questionnaire” and the “Team Excellence and Collaborative Team Leader Questionnaire.” Analyze how your questionnaire responses indicate your personal leadership philosophy. Describe any questionnaire results that may have surprised you. Analyze the impact that the characteristics of Authentic Leadership and Team Leadership might have on your personal leadership style. Explain how these characteristics might help you become a more effective leader.



  • Northouse, P. G. (2016). Leadership: Theory and practice (7th ed.). Thousand Oaks: CA: Sage Publications.
    • Chapter 9, “Authentic Leadership” (pp. 195-224)
    • Chapter 14, “Team Leadership” (pp. 363-396)
  • Nichols, T. W. & Erakovich, R. (2013). Authentic leadership and implicit theory: A normative form of leadership?Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 34(2), 182–195.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.




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