Walden University Job Attitude and Motivation Discussion

Walden University Job Attitude and Motivation Discussion

Walden University Job Attitude and Motivation Discussion

In a few sentences, respond to each classmates post in one of these scholarly ways:

  • Ask a probing question or provide a suggestion regarding colleague’s post.
  • Provide rationale for your question or suggestion or reaction.
  • Expand on your colleague’s proposed measurement approach by offering a new perspective or insight.
  • Agree with a colleague and offer additional (new) supporting information for consideration aligned with their chosen approach.


Classmate 1: (Bianca)

”The two problems expressed by Mr. Jones was a drastic decrease in productivity and an increase in employee turnover. These two factors are the result of poor job satisfaction. Hwang and Chi (2005) claim employees who are satisfied in their roles exhibit decreased levels of absenteeism and higher levels of motivation compared to their counterparts. Poor company culture may be the root issue of the decrease in job satisfaction. Hofstede (1980) describes company culture as a collective mindset that incorporates the common traits that influences a team’s response to its environment. Previous research highlights the relationship between company culture and job dissatisfaction. Bakker and Demerouti (2017) found the direction of the relationship between culture and dissatisfaction can be positive or negative, and the difference lies in the resources available, such as social support and feedback. To assess productivity within Walden Sports, the Questionnaire on Productivity Attributes (QPA) would be ideal. The QPA is a 45-item questionnaire that consists of five dimensions which include: HR management, management strategy, organizational culture, production methods, and performance (Kamble & Wankhade, 2018). Once data has been collected, strategies can be implemented. The first strategy to collect data consists of distributing the QPA anonymously, so employees feel a sense of security to answer honestly.”

Classmate 2: (Renee)

“According to Shani, Chandler, and Coget, employees that are satisfied with their career tend to be more motivated and enthusiastic (2009). When there is a lack of motivation in an organization, this can result in poor employee’ performance reduced productivity, increased customer dissatisfaction, poor group performance, and loss of profit (Brown, 2011). The two problems that are related to job satisfaction expressed by the Walden Sports CEO are a decrease in employee motivation and a decrease in performance. A study reveals that employee dissatisfaction can give rise to organizational chaos, while it also impacts employee motivation with a severe decrease of performance, and a decrease of morale and loyalty (Shaban, Al-Zubi, Ali, & Alqotaish, 2017). Therefore, to increase employee performance and motivation the organization must first focus on increasing employee satisfaction and determine the type of incentive, training, and reward program needed to increase their employee’s spirits (Shabanet al., 2017).

An analysis in job training is significant, as this is what aids the organization in identifying what training is needed for employees. According to Arshad et al., providing improper training to employees can be costly and time-consuming to an organization (2015). In addition, developing and implementing an incorrect and ineffective development program can cause confusion and chaos that negatively affects an organization’s productivity and performance (Moore & Duttan, 1978). Inadequate training and lack of job characteristics can negatively impact employee’s performance. When employees understand what is needed of them and received feedback, they are more involve and more motivated (Suharno, Purwanto & Rachmad, 2017). In addition, job characteristic yields increase to healthy work environments and aid the organization to determine the proper training needed to increase employee’s performance and help determine the proper tools that are needed for the employee to perform their duties without interference. Creating a healthy work environment can positively influence employee satisfaction which will help increase employee’s motivation and performance (Suharno, Purwanto & Rachmad, 2017).”

Classmate 3: (Heidi)

Motivation and Job Satisfaction

Understanding what motivates an employee to put forth their best effort, to stay engaged and give their organization a competitive advantage can be directed and focused through awareness of and by addressing the job attitudes that influence those efforts.  Attitudinal constructs are those that reflect a cognitive and affect evaluation of the job and its experiences (Carter, Lowery, et al., 2020) whereas motivational constructs are reflective of the “investment of physical, cognitive, and emotional energies put into the job performance rather then an appraisal of the job itself” (Judge, Weiss, et al., 2017, p. 357).  Motivation, then, can be seen as an outcome of the influence of affective states in the form of positive behaviors such as helping and organizational citizenship behaviors (Brief & Weiss, 2002). With impacts on organizational output and internal satisfaction, theories have been developed to explain the link between motivation and job attitudes.“

Classmate 4: (Michele)

Self-Determination Theory

Self-determination theory (SDT) has been described as a macro theory of motivation due to its evolution over time to include concepts of work motivation in addition to the original aspects of psychological needs satisfaction (Deci et al., 2017). Central to SDT is the models’ differentiation between autonomous (intrinsic) motivation and controlled (extrinsic) motivation. Intrinsic motivation refers to the motivation experienced through the enjoyment or interest of an activity without regard to an outward reward or obligation. The motivation for engagement is the sheer enjoyment. Conversely, extrinsic motivation focuses on engagement in an activity with the purpose of a “separable consequence” (Deci et al., 2017). In the work realm, these consequences consist of factors such as pay, promotion, prestige, etc.

Needs fulfillment is another important aspect of SDT in the workplace. Briefly, the satisfaction of basic psychological needs- the need for autonomy, for competence, and for relatedness- has been shown to predict motivation, well-being, and adjustment in the workplace (Deci et al., 2001). In addition, research has shown that SDT has demonstrated outcomes of high-quality performance and employee well-being resulting from autonomous, but not controlled motivation (Deci et al., 2017). Consequently, practical application of SDT in workplace has practical performance applications.”

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