Week 5 Self Efficacy Evidence Discussion

Week 5 Self Efficacy Evidence Discussion

Week 5 Self Efficacy Evidence Discussion

Searching and Critiquing the Evidence

Bring to mind the various practice problems you and your colleagues have been considering in this course. What insights might the literature provide with regard to these issues? How should you evaluate the research? And, why is it important to review and critique this information?



This Discussion addresses strategies for searching the literature in order to critique existing evidence. Please note that this Discussion is related to Application Assignment #4, which is assigned this week. You are strongly encouraged to read through that assignment now.

To prepare:

  • Recall the practice problem and theoretical framework you identified for the Week 5 Discussion. Using the Walden Library and other professional databases, conduct a search and locate four (4) appropriate primary research articles¯one of which is a systematic review.
  • Review the articles and determine what level of evidence they represent. Using the critique strategies presented in the Learning Resources as a guide, consider how the articles you located either support or weaken the merit of your theoretical framework or the importance of your practice problem.

By Day 3 post a cohesive response that addresses the following:

  • How does the literature strengthen or weaken the merit of your selected theoretical framework and practice problem?
  • What levels of evidence are most prevalent in these articles?
  • Why do you think that level of evidence is most prevalent?


Practice Problem: Healthy eating and healthy lifestyles to combat obesity and reduce chronic illnesses.




Research is an instrument to facilitate the advancement of nursing science and the extension of knowledge in general; theory is the conceptual framework composed of concepts and/or theories that were created to guide a particular study or theoretical framework of concepts that exist in literature to guide research (Weld et al., 2008). Bandura’s Self-Efficacy Theory (SET) proposes that certain traits are displayed to cope with stress and challenges. SET, utilizing self-efficacy as the theoretical framework, is based on the theory that self-efficacy is initiated in response to an actual or a perceived threat to one’s safety, security, family, or environment. Bandura’s theory suggests that changing a person’s self-efficacy changes their ability to cope with the perceived threat. Bandura’s efficacy beliefs are important predictors in human action; efficacy beliefs are an individual’s inner belief that they can successfully perform the behavior needed to achieve an outcome (Kim & Sohn, 2019).


Theoretical Framework


The theory of self-efficacy by Bandura outlines a theoretical framework of the concept assigning self-efficacy the central role for analyzing changes seen in fearful and avoidant behavior (Kim & Sohn, 2019). SET is a social learning theory incorporating the social cognitive framework and utilize the Behavior Change Model. SET is based on the premise that a person’s belief in their ability predicts their motivation and determination to accomplish a task. Thus, SET beliefs focus on changing an individual’s behavior. Self-efficacy is not an individual’s personality, but it is the person’s character. It is the person’s confidence in their ability to overcome obstacles and accomplish a task or achieve a goal. Self-efficacy influences individual behavior changes, and performances enhance self-confidence and motivation (Kim & Sohn, 2019).


Practice Problem


SET is used research, classrooms, institutions, and practices. It is utilized to combat alcohol and drug use, smoking cessation, chronic diseases, exercise, eating, and pain control. Since obesity is a concern in the United States and the contributing factors to many of the chronic illnesses, applying SET to healthy lifestyles may be helpful in changing the trend. Social cognitive theory emphasizes the significance of self-regulation; posits that self-efficacy execute a behavior required to produce a desired outcome (Stephens et al., 2015). In the article, SET is utilized to elicit dietary behavior changes. The article researched the outcome and barriers and employed the social cognitive theory to influence dietary changes. Because SET is based on determination and motivation and is a behavior change model, it was the appropriate theory to implement. It is easy to apply SET to many nursing and health concern because it is driven by the individual will to survive and not accept defeat.




Sook, K. & Sohn, S. (2019). Emotional intelligence, problem solving ability, self-efficacy and clinical performance among nursing students: A structural equation model. Korean Journal of Adult Nursing, 31(4), 380-388. https://doi-org.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/10.7475/kjan.2019.31.4.38


Stephens, T., Resinicow, K., Latimer-Sport, M., & Walker, L. (2015). Social cognitive predictors of dietary behavior among African Americans. American Journal of Health Education, 46(3), 174-181. Retrieved from https://ezp.waldenulibrary.org/login?qurl=https%3A%2F%2Fsearch.proquest.com%2Fdocview%2F1683083173


Weld, K., Padden, D., Ramsey, G., & Bibb, S. (2008). A framework for guiding health literacy research in populations with universal access to healthcare. Advances in Nursing Science, 31(4), 308-318. Retrieved from Walden Library Database.

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