Social Welfare Course, sociology assignment

Social Welfare Course, sociology assignment

Social Welfare Course, sociology assignment

Response must be at least 150 words each with 1 reference each, please separate each post response


Cultural competence is not being utilized enough within the child welfare system and due to that can cause more harm than help in certain cases such as the Hernandez family. If the social worker originally assigned to the case had understood the Hernandez family’s traditions, culture, and more specifically how they punish their children, no steps would have been taken against this family. “The child welfare system has been criticized for being overzealous, not following due process, and trampling on the rights of parents accused of abuse and neglect of their children.” (Popple & Leighninger, 2015, p. 213) If their were more beneficial policies to help protect the cultural considerations and differences of every family, then the Hernandez family may not have been put into this predicament. “Despite the substantial benefit and primacy of legislative policy practice, very little current empirical evidence is used to guide child welfare policymaking interventions. As a result, child welfare change agents likely rely on practice wisdom generated by individual experiences.” (Edward, Bryant & Bent-Goodley, 2011. p. 146)



As a social worker assigned to this case, I would first acknowledge the Hernandez’s stated feelings and frustrations, and allow them to know that I am hearing their concerns. I would then point out their strengths and find ways to empower them to continue finding ways to show up to the class once per week. I would also look into any other available options that may better accommodate their schedules, such as a different class time, day or look into other forms of class education they could use in lieu of the classes. By hearing and acknowledging the families issues and reservations, the family will be more open and cooperative with the required treatment needed.


Edward, H.R., Bryant, D.U.,& Bent-Goodley, T.B. (2011). Participation and Influence in Federal Child Welfare Policymaking. Journal of Public Child Welfare. 5(2/3), 145-166.

Popple, P.R.. & Leighninger, L. (2015). The Policy Based Profession: An Introduction to Social Welfare Policy Analysis for Social Workers. (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.


According to Cohen (2003), “Given the subjective and powerful influence of culture in decision making, fundamental differences may arise depending the caseworker’s and the family’s nationality, ethnicity, background, and individual experiences” (p.144). This statement portrays the importance of cultural competence when dealing with child welfare. For example, in the case study of the Hernandez family, Juan Jr. was punished by being made to hold heavy encyclopedias. In their eyes, this was not a harmful punishment to their child, but a learned punishment they themselves received from their parents growing up. Punishment for them, was an engrained part of their cultural upbringing, and it was important for the social worker to understand that fact.

“Several policy and advocacy agencies, as well as community stakeholders, are becoming increasingly involved in discussions about how the child welfare system can improve outcomes for racial and ethnic minorities” (Cohen, 2003, p. 145). This being said, the responsibility to be culturally competent lies on the shoulders of the social workers involved in each of these types of cases. The more that is understood regarding cultures and backgrounds, the better we can serve the population and benefit the children involved. According to Edwards, (2011), “Throughout the 20th century, the federal government has become increasingly involved in child welfare policymaking. Prior to this time, the states were primarily responsible for crafting, monitoring, and sanctioning their own child welfare systems” (p.147). Due to this fact, awareness for child welfare has become of greatest importance for policy makers. However, continual struggles of policies to address the proper factors facing this population, the need for advocacy stands at the forefront.

As the social worker in this case, first of importance would be to understand the cultural background from which the Hernandez family derives. This would go a long way in understanding the reasons behind feelings and actions that take place within their home. Also, I would attempt to locate classes closer to their home, and find classes that are offered at alternate times, in order to make their efforts to attend more successful. Lastly, I would acknowledge the love they have for their children, and the awareness that they pledged to never hurt them in any way. Using this concept would lay a foundation for the family unit to be built on spending more time with the children, and learning more effective ways to parent. Becoming a policy advocate would also be beneficial in helping clients who struggle with these such issues. Being involved is one of the greatest ways that we as social workers can give back.


Cohen, E.P., (2003). Framework for culturally competent decision making in child welfare. Child Welfare: Journal of Policy, Practice, and Program, LXXXII(2):143-155. Retrieved from Walden University Library databases.

Edwards, H.R., Bryant, D.U., & Bent-Goodley, T.B., (2011). Participation and influence in federal child welfare policymaking.Journal of Public Child Welfare, 5:145-166. Retrieved from Walden University Library databases.

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