Percentage of Patients Experienced Clostridium Difficile Infection Ques

Percentage of Patients Experienced Clostridium Difficile Infection Ques

Percentage of Patients Experienced Clostridium Difficile Infection Ques

conduct descriptive statistical analyses using quantitative data and then conduct content coding to analyze qualitative data. Follow the detailed instructions under Part 1: Quantitative Data and Part 2: Qualitative Data to complete this Assessment.

All submissions must follow the conventions of scholarly writing. Properly formatted APA citations and references must be provided where appropriate.




Conduct basic descriptive analyses about the frequency of patient safety incidents during one month on two medical units in a major urban teaching hospital. Open and review the three documents that you will need for this part of the Assessment:

  • NR3003 Assessment Quantitative Excel Spreadsheet (Attached)
  • NR3003 Assessment Codebook for Quantitative Patient Safety Data(attached)
  • NR3003 Assessment Summary Data Analysis Form (attached)

The following is an explanation of each document along with instructions for this part of the Assessment:

Quantitative Excel Spreadsheet: The quantitative data for this Assessment has been entered into an Excel spreadsheet, which can be accessed using the Excel software that is part of the Microsoft Office suite of applications. This type of spreadsheet is called a rectangular file, because it is arranged in columns and rows. Each column is a different variable in the data set. For example, Column A (ID) is the identification (ID) number variable for patients, and Column B (AGE) is the variable on patient age in years. Each row has data (or information) for each individual patient for each of the variables in the columns. To clarify this, look at the data set. You will see that the patient in Row 2 has the ID number 001 (Column A) and is 22 years old (Column B). The patient in Row 44 has the ID number 43 and is 75 years old.

Codebook for Quantitative Patient Safety Data: A codebook is used in quantitative research to define the variables (or columns) in a data set and the response categories for each of these variables. Looking at the codebook for this Assessment, you will see that the second column in the codebook is the name of variables in the data set. Usually the variable names are abbreviated (e.g., DX stands for primary diagnosis upon admission). Next to each variable name is its description and its response categories.

As an example, look at the variable called FALLS. Next to this variable is its description; the variable is defined as whether or not a patient had an accidental fall during the hospitalization. The response categories for the variable FALLS is either “0” which means the patient did not fall or “1” which means the patient did fall. To further clarify this, look at Column G on your Excel spreadsheet, which is labelled as FALLS. The term fall can mean many different things, such as a person accidentally falling at home or on a trip to a waterfall (e.g., Snoqualmie Falls). The codebook for a quantitative data set gives the specific definition of a variable. In this Assessment, the variable FALLS means a patient fall that is reported during a hospitalization. Now look at the numbers in the column underneath FALLS. You will only see the numbers “0” or “1”. In the codebook, these are the response categories for the variable FALLS with 0 = no fall and 1 = fall occurred. Now that you know about the rows and columns of a rectangular data set, you are ready to conduct some basic analyses that summarize (or aggregate) information about the 50 patients in the patient safety data.

Summary Data Analysis Form: This form provides guidelines on how to conduct the required quantitative analyses for this Assessment and how to report your findings. You will submit this form to complete this part of the Assessment.


The analytic method you will use to analyze the narrative data for this Assessment is called content analysis. It requires you to read each student’s narrative and then code its content using thematic categories on a coding sheet. Open and review the three documents you will need for this part of the Assessment:

  • NR3003 Assessment Qualitative Coding Script
  • NR3003 Assessment Qualitative Analysis Code Scheme
  • NR3003 Assessment Qualitative Code Sheet

The following is an explanation of each document along with instructions for this part of the Assessment:

Qualitative Coding Script: You will see the narrative text written by each of the 10 patients in this document. Each patient has a unique ID number. For example, 001 is the ID number of the first patient, and 010 is the ID number for the last patient. Some patients only wrote about one challenge during their hospital stay, whereas others listed two or more challenges. If a patient listed two or more challenges, a vertical bar symbol, shown as |, is used to separate each of them.

Code Scheme: A code scheme has unique numbers linked to different types of content or themes found in narrative text. For this Assessment, you will see a unique number for each different type of challenge that patients faced. For example, a challenge dealing with the hospital being too loud is assigned the number “01”. Sometimes the content of narrative text cannot be categorized, because it is unclear or doesn’t make sense. For this Assessment, this type of narrative text is given the code number “99.” If narrative text does not describe a challenge, it is given the code number “97.”

Code Sheet: This is the form that you use to enter the code scheme number for each challenge in a patient’s narrative text. The first column of the code sheet lists the patient’s unique ID number. The next column (Code 1) is used to write the number from the code scheme that best describes the content of the first challenge listed by the patient. The second column (Code 2) is for the second challenge, and the third column (Code 3) is for the third one. You will submit this form to complete this part of the Assessment.

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