Building Rapport through Class Introductions

Building Rapport through Class Introductions

Building Rapport through Class Introductions


Hello Everyone,

My name is Jill Michel, I am currently enroll in the dual enrollment with the intention of obtaining my PhD in Educational Psychology.  I was born in Haiti, in a small Island that consists of a small population. My parent, however, moved to the USA when I was young. We settled in New York, where I was raised and attended my schooling till I graduated my high school.  I schooled at Central Park East high school, where I enjoyed fun activities and the science subject.  I developed a love for biology where I came across psychology, and I decided this is what I would study in my higher learning. I feel that psychology is underrepresented in the country with multiple people being ignorant of mental issues and where to get help. Therefore, I think I have the duty to fill the gap and help people. I have a great passion for helping people solve their problems.



My primary goal for this course is to gain knowledge on psychology to develop a career in psychology and promote people’s mental health. I love reading, meditating and playing tennis. I am very excited to join this psychology class, and I look forward to learning with everyone. When hearing psychology, I think of Sigmund and his exceptional work, what about you?

Class Environment

I wish to create a positive class environment where all learners feel comfortable in the class and free to express themselves. I intend to create an environment that is conducive for learning such that students explore new things and ideas without judgment. Stallman (2010) explains that it is also an environment where class engagement is promoted, and students can learn from one another and work together. My class introduction has tried to create this environment by being warm to everybody. It also informs others that they can offer something and they are appreciated


Part Two: Responding to Student Disclosure

I will respond to the student post about “introducing yourself in the online psychology class” via a group email. This is because I find it appropriate to use the same channel that I received the post. Since it was sent through a group email, I will reply using the same email. Also, the post is class assignment and thus reasonable to use class email rather a private email meant personal issues. It will also make it easier for the members to engage in a group conversation. Lastly, it will create a thread for follow up, making it easier to learn.

The following is the response that will be sent to the group email

Response to Carlos

Dear Carlos,

I like how you have introduced yourself; you have opened up and engaged to most of the students. You have started by providing your name and where you come from. These are crucial information that can help others identify and remember you. It is also amazing how you have provided us with the background of how you came to choose the psychology class. It is capturing and thus breaks the ice with new students you will study with. It also creates room for others to talk to you and interact with you. You have explained how your struggle with bipolar prompted you to study psychology. You wanted to learn more about your issue and hence help yourself. This shows you have a passion for this course.

Nevertheless, your introduction would have been more effective if you didn’t include your personal life concerning your family. Just stating you have wife and children is enough, it communicates you have a family. However, you details on “she is a wonderful wife, mother, and lover!” and “my wife left me and took the kids; it was months before they returned home” is over-sharing and people can judge you inappropriately. They are personal information that the class do not need to know.

I also like that your introduction has provided most of the necessary information required such as what psychology means to you and why you studied this course. It would, however, have been more engaging and informative about you if you discussed your hobbies, interests and expectations from the course.

How to respond to inappropriate remarks

I will employ several techniques when responding to Carlos’s inappropriate remarks to maintain the excellent rapport built. I will use appropriate terms when talking about the issues in his paper. This shows him that the mentioned mistakes are meant to correct and not judge him. I will use quotes when raising inappropriate remarks to show him the exact problems and help him understand. It will show Carlos I am objective, and my intentions are good. Thus, he will accept the corrections positively. I likewise intend to maintain this good rapport by providing explanations and evidence as to why I consider them inappropriate. This involves illustrating why the remarks are not good by showing the consequences (Svinicki & McKeachie, 2014). It will convince Carlos of the validity of my opinions, and he will become more receptive. I will also avoid using jokes and sarcastic comments when pointing out inappropriate remarks. It will impede misunderstanding that can destroy the excellent rapport. It will also ensure I don’t offend the learner.

The other way to ensure I raise inappropriate remarks without destroying the excellent rapport is by trying to be supportive. Svinicki and McKeachie (2014) point out that it will foster a positive attitude towards the response, including negative feedback. Lastly, I will avoid getting personal such as referring to my personal experience to ensure the learner doesn’t take the response is personal too.


Stallman, H. M. (2010). Psychological distress in university students: A comparison with general population data. Australian Psychologist45(4), 249–257.

Svinicki, M., & McKeachie, W. J. (2014). Introduction. In McKeachie’s teaching tips: Strategies, research, and theory for college and university teachers (14th ed., pp. 3–5). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.

Building Rapport through Class Introductions

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