Walden University Learners Course Outline Discussion

Walden University Learners Course Outline Discussion

Walden University Learners Course Outline Discussion

Declining revenue, demands for accountability, and ever-broadening missions have combined to corporatize the university, making it look and act more like a business than ever before. While some offices and departments within the academy have always operated like businesses, the approach is spreading to areas with traditional academic values. In this scenario, you will analyze possible responses to a conflict in values and argue for the position that is most unfamiliar to you.




Dr. Albert is Chair of the Physics Department at Random Community College. The vice president for workforce development asks him to meet with an employer to discuss customized contract training for photonic technicians. At the meeting, the employer requests major changes to the scope and sequence of several physics courses. Dr. Albert knows that the vice president views the employer’s request as a valuable entrepreneurial opportunity for the college, but he is uncomfortable with it. After all, these courses were specifically designed to meet basic requirements for physics majors. They lay a foundation for the upper-level courses in the department. Dr. Albert feels that it is wrong to allow a nonacademic to meddle with the content of university courses. The vice president claims that a refusal to customize the courses will jeopardize the college’s relationship with the employer and the larger community, choking off future opportunities.

Identify several (three or more) ways to resolve the standoff. Analyze the pros and cons of each one. When you have finished, select the one that is most unfamiliar or uncomfortable for you, post an argument for it on the Discussion Board, and debate it with your colleagues.


Post your resolution to this scenario. Argue for the response that is most unfamiliar or uncomfortable to you.



Kezar, A. J. (2001). Understanding and facilitating organizational change in the 21st century: Recent research and conceptualizations. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

  • “Understanding the Nature of Higher Education Organizations: Key to Successful Organizational Change” (pp. 59-77)

Tierney, W. G. (2008). The impact of culture on organizational decision making: Theory and practice in higher education. Sterling, VA: Stylus.

  • Chapter 3, “Organizational Culture in Higher Education: Defining the Essentials”

Ferren, A. S., Kennan, W. R., & Lerch, S. H. (2001, Spring). Reconciling corporate and academic cultures. AACU Peer Review. Retrieved from http://www.aacu.org/peerreview/pr-sp01/pr-sp01feat…
Copyright 2001 by the Association of the American Colleges & Universities. Reproduced with permission of the American Colleges & Universities in the format electronic usage via Copyright Clearance Center.


Eckel, P. D. (2003). Capitalizing on the curriculum: The challenges of curricular joint ventures. American Behavioral Scientist, 46(7), 865–882. Optional Resources
Rhine, T., Milligan, D., & Nelson, L. (2000). Alleviating transfer shock: Creating an environment for more successful transfer students. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 24(6), 443-453.
Note: Retrieved from Walden Library databases.
Keller, J. (2009). At transfer time in California, thousands of students hit a dead end. Chronicle of Higher Education, 56(7), A1-A20.

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