Blueprint for Professional and Personal Growth Reflection

Blueprint for Professional and Personal Growth Reflection

Blueprint for Professional and Personal Growth Reflection

As you begin this Assignment, review the broad range of topics that you have examined and what you have learned throughout the MBA program. For Part 1 of this final Individual BPPG Reflection, select concepts or topics that resonated with you the most during your program. What can you do now to integrate the experiences and insights you’ve had in the MBA program with your personal and professional development goals?




Submit an Executive Summary that spans the entire range of topics within your MBA program and that integrates prior learning, experiences, and insights gained throughout the MBA program, with personal and professional development goals by addressing the following questions:

  • Page One: The MBA and Your Goals and Contributions to Social Change
    • Which content, conceptual ideas, frameworks, tools, and assignments in your MBA improved your understanding and skills in ways that will enable you to achieve your professional goals?
    • What impact has your improved understanding had, or what impact do you anticipate your understanding will have, on the value you will bring to your role within an organization and the world at large, particularly with respect to being an agent for positive change (at the individual, organizational and communities level)? NOTE: This is a very important element of your response, please be deliberative in your response.
  • Page Two: The MBA Program’s Content & Your Practice of Business Administration
    • How have the content and assignments changed the way you think of your role within the organization and the way you will practice your profession?
    • How have the content and assignments shaped your goals now and how do you anticipate they will shape your goals in the future?
    • How has your MBA helped you appreciate the role that an individual manager or a business has in facilitating positive social change?

General Guidance on Assignment Length: Part 1 of your BPPG, your MBA program Executive Summary, should be approximately 2 single-spaced page(s).

Refer to the Week 3 Assignment rubric for specific grading elements and criteria. Your Instructor will use this rubric to assess your work.

Blueprint for Professional and Personal Growth (BPPG): A Potential for Self-Plagiarism

When developing your Blueprint for Professional and Personal Growth (BPPG) for this course, you may find that you are utilizing some information that you presented in the discussions or assignments in this course or information that you have presented in previous courses, including previous BPPG submissions. Walden recognizes this situation with the caveat that you may use only small portions of your previously submitted work as background or foundational material for additional development in a subsequent assignment or research project Refer to Section 3 of the Student Handbook, Academic Integrity section in the Code of Conduct: found at However, when doing so, you must be careful not to commit a form of academic integrity known as self-plagiarism. If you reuse sections of your previously submitted work without providing the proper citation and reference, you are committing self-plagiarism. This is a violation of Academic Integrity as defined in the Student Code of Conduct.

To ensure that you follow the Academic Integrity standards you must take care to properly cite and reference any reused sections of previously submitted work. For example, if Johana Smithe reuses a section of their BPPG from the previous class, they would cite this section as a quotation: (Smithe, 20xx, p.y) and provide a reference in the Reference page: Smithe, J. (20xx). Blue print for professional growth for WMBA60xx. Unpublished manuscript, Walden University. Please take some time to review the information at the Writing Center concerning self-plagiarism and how to properly cite yourself. Link to the Writing Center on Citing Yourself

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