Research Weekly Concepts for the Strategic Management Process

Research Weekly Concepts for the Strategic Management Process

Research Weekly Concepts for the Strategic Management Process

Discussion Guidelines for the Course

On a weekly basis, you will engage in discussions using two different approaches.

Discussion 1 (Weekly): In Discussion 1, you will select one of three questions. The initial post is due no later than Day 3.

Discussion 2 (Weekly): In Discussion 2, you will demonstrate that you understand the weekly concepts and can discuss them. You will accomplish this by doing research on one of the topics under discussion and/or the weekly Learning Objective(s). You may use a recognized, peer-reviewed academic journal (found in the Walden Library), a recognized business publication (such as Forbes, Bloomberg Business Week, Fast Company), or a company website.



You will read and synthesize the article and write a 225- to 250-word synopsis following APA writing and style guidelines. In your post, you will include a link to the article so your classmates can read it in its entirety if they choose. The initial post is due no later than Day 4.


Post to Discussion.


Complete your responses.

For Discussion 2, please visit the Walden Library databases or select a recognized business publication such as Forbes, Business Week, Harvard Business Review, Entrepreneur, etc. Select an article addressing strategy, mission statements, vision statements, or another topic that relates to these ideas and this week’s Learning Objectives. For example, you could explore topics such as strategic approaches to growth; multicultural strategy; entrepreneurship; change management, leadership, technology, or innovation.

Think outside the normal paradigm. You live in a global economy, so the world is open to you. Do not limit your choices to these areas. There are many topics in the first two chapters of the text.

Following APA style and formatting guidelines, summarize the article into approximately 300 words (do NOT copy the article), and explain the knowledge you gained from it. Post to Discussion 2 by Day 4. Include a link to the original article so your colleagues can read it.

Please use the Week 1 Discussion 2 Template located in the Week 1 Learning Resources to draft your post.

Engage in class discussions of the article, starting no later than Day 4, and continue until Day 6. All discussions must be complete by Day 7. In addition to your initial post, respond a minimum of three times (100–125 words) over a minimum of 3 days.

To earn full points, full engagement in this discussion requires an initial post and active substantive responses with colleagues over a minimum of 3 days and preferably every day.


Grading Criteria

To access your rubric:
Week 1 Discussion 2 Rubric

Post by Day 4 and Respond by Day 7

To participate in this Discussion:
Week 1 Discussion 2

Weekly Quiz, Business Strategy Game (BSG) Simulation, Audio-Enhanced Group PowerPoint Presentation

Weekly Textbook Tutorial Quiz

This week, you will complete a tutorial quiz for each of the two assigned chapters of the course text. You have up to three attempts per quiz to achieve a perfect score. There are two quizzes each week.


  • All quizzes and exams (located under Assignments in the SIM) are completed in the SIM and are automatically graded.
  • The quizzes are tutorial in nature and are worth 10 points per week.
  • At the end of each final quiz attempt, you may open the quiz and see the correct answers.

Business Strategy Game (BSG) Simulation


The Business Strategy Game Simulation (BSG SIM) is a combination of group and individual efforts that spans the entire 6-week course and acts as a “final examination application” to evidence your mastery over the knowledge gained during this course and entire BSBA Program.

This week, all students will be assigned to four- to five-member groups (referred to as “Companies” in the Simulation). The group assignments can be found in the Announcements in the Course Home area of the course navigation menu.

The Simulation (SIM) covers a total of 20 virtual operating years, divided into two practice years (which are nongraded), and 18 graded playing years. The first two years allow you to orient yourself to the SIM decision-making procedures and gameplay. At the end of Week 1, the SIM is automatically reset. Graded gameplay starts on Day 1 of Week 2.


Ideally, for efficiency and effectiveness, your group should plan to meet several days per week to discuss company strategy and decision making outside the class in real time (synchronously), using BlackBoard Live Chat or conferencing tools such as Google Hangouts, Instant Messaging, Skype, Zoom, and so forth. There are five weeks of SIM activity: Week 1 is nongraded practice time, and Weeks 2–5 are graded activity weeks. Week 6 is for wrap-up and presentations.

Upon arriving in the course on Day 1 of Week 1, log in to the BSG SIM. Combine the Company Access Code (provided by your Instructor in the Announcements area) with the Master Access code (obtained from the Walden Bookstore) to log into the BSG SIM and familiarize yourself with the interface and various SIM tools.

Download and read the BSG SIM Player’s Manual and the BSG SIM Decision Schedule, which you can find in the BSG SIM website under the Player Materials and Decision Round Schedule tabs, repectively. Print out the Decision Schedule and keep it close by for reference purposes. Then, start working with your group. Complete and submit the Group Charter to your Instructor no later than Day 1 of Week 2. Please use the Group Charter Template document located in the Week 1 Learning Resources.

During this week, engage in group discussions on SIM strategy and plan, and assign group member roles as virtual co-managers.

Engage in the two ungraded “Practice Rounds” in the SIM. Read the Player’s Manual and view the “Intro to BSG video” (both found in the BSG SIM website under the Player Materials tab).

Audio-Enhanced Group PowerPoint Presentation (Due Day 7 of Week 6)

Starting this week, watch and review the PowerPoint presentation and written guidelines (Borton [n.d.], found in the Week 1 Learning Resources), for instructions on creating the Audio-Enhanced Group PowerPoint Presentation.

Throughout Weeks 1–5 of the course, each group will create a group presentation of 15–20 slides, covering the points on the list of Slide Deck Contents, which is a PowerPoint file located in the Week 1 Learning Resources.

Each group member is required to create and participate in the Audio-Enhanced Group PowerPoint Presentation. This is accomplished by dividing the slide deck among members and then assigning a section to each member to create and narrate. Once complete, the deck should be reassembled and checked for spelling, grammar, contents, and audio sound quality. One group member will post it to the Audio-Enhanced Group PowerPoint PresentationDiscussion 3 thread in Week 6 for review by the whole class, who will serve as the virtual Board of Directors and provide comment and feedback.

The entire presentation will be submitted to the Week 6 Discussion 3 area.

Research Weekly Concepts for the Strategic Management Process

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