West Coast University Week 7 Type of Bias Discussion

West Coast University Week 7 Type of Bias Discussion

West Coast University Week 7 Type of Bias Discussion

Scholarly writing has traditions and expectations. It is different from journalism or letter writing because you are providing insights on the issues that are grounded in research, critical reading and analysis rather than presenting an opinion or a personal belief. Scholarly writers strive for academic integrity and work to keep personal bias and beliefs out of their writing. Review your Learning Resources and view the media provided on scholarly writing.



For this Discussion identify a type of bias that you may have committed (or you could imagine committing due to carelessness) and share steps you can take to avoid it in future communications.

By Day 4

Post a brief summary or statement involving a type of bias, other than research bias, that you may have committed, Then, explain why you think it presents bias. Provide an example of how the bias can be reduced by using scholarly voice. Expand on your insights using the Learning Resources..

Use APA formatting for your discussion and to cite your resources.

By Day 6

Respond to your colleagues’ postings. Provide a substantive reply to your colleagues in the following way:

  • Expand on the colleague’s posting with additional insight and resources on his or her use of scholarly voice and bias.

Click on the Reply button below to reveal the textbox for entering your message. Then click on the Submit button to post your message


Michelle Gordon-Releford

RE: Discussion – Week 7


Bias in writing can lead to generalization, objectivity, and false hierarchies in the scholarly literature APAstyle.apa.org (2020a, 2020b) Walden University. Generalization of groups does not acknowledge the variation among groups Walden University (2020). The specificity of a topic for the targeted audience is vital to avoiding bias, as it clarifies description APAstyleapa.org (2020). Objectivity in scholarly writing will provide a negative/positive opinion, subjective information, and personal pronouns Purdue University Online Writing Lab (2020a, 2020b) Walden University.

According to APAstyle.apa.org 2020, the order of grouping in a presentation may imply that the first-mentioned group is baseline causing the reader to believe that any groups mentioned after are below the baseline.

I am pretty sure that I am guilty of generalization and possibly emotion-filled language. My passions include helping young women (12-25 approximately) who experience intimate partner violence. In my writing, the description has varied from youth to women. Corrections will vary depending on which section of the age group the literature pertains too.


APAstyle.apa.org.General Principles for Reducing Bias (2020).



Purdue University Online Writing (n.d). Lab Tips for Writing in North

American colleges: Objectivity. https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/english_as_a_second_lan… Retrieved July 13, 2020

Walden University Writing Center. (n.d.) Scholarly voice: Avoiding bias.


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RE: Discussion – Week 7


One of the biases I have unfortunately committed several times is the “recall bias” when it comes to working on case control studies. Recall bias is defined as bias created when researchers ask participants to recall exposures that might have happened in the past to contribute to a certain disease/outcome (Vetter & Mascha, 2017).In doing this, the researcher relies on the basis that the information being recalled by participants is accurate even though it may not be. In many of my case-control studies I published earlier on, this was a problem especially in environmental studies because they can be a great number of exposures that occur at the time and thus it may be difficult to attribute the certain exposures to an outcome. If the primary aim is to show that an exposure leads to a chosen outcome, then a randomized clinical trial is much effective for this type of study. In a clinical trial design, we are able to randomized subjects to the exposure/intervention group and then monitor them to see whether they develop the outcome (Beghi, 2016). I have noticed that detailing the specific aims and purpose of my study helps to lead me in designing an effective study design, at least one less bias.


Alvarez-Dardet, C., & Ashton, J.R. (2014). Bias. Journal of epidemiology and community

health, 58 (8), 629. https://jech.bmj.com/content/58/8/635

Beghi E. (2016). The Basic Structure of a Randomized Clinical Trial. Frontiers of neurology and

neuroscience39, 1–7. https://doi.org/10.1159/000445408

Vetter, T. R., & Mascha, E. J. (2017). Bias, Confounding, and Interaction: Lions and Tigers, and

Bears, Oh My! Anesthesia and analgesia, 125(3), 1042–1048.


Response 3

Perry McClinton

RE: Discussion – Week 7


Week seven discussion one

Student: Chaplain P. McClinton

Class: PUBH 8003

Subject: Finding yourself


Greetings to all.

Self-Serving Bias

In my younger days and yes I was young once, self-serving bias could have been my nickname, because when things went right I knew that my voice made the outcome results positive and when things didn’t add up my actions and voice never embraced negativity just seen no glory (Karpen, 2018). Never understood why, I had to always be on the winner’s side of everything and thoughts and words mint more then my team members.

My late mother once told us a story, in which I was the center of the whole story. She said when I was a go getter but thought I was born great and nothing goes right without me, she ended the story by saying “A stump is useless without its top and a wild boy becomes idol in his ways and loses his spunk, stop thinking that you’re the center fold of the world”.

It took me some years to figure this out, the moral of this story, is where you may not feel or see bias others do.

In checking myself, and seeing the other side of the individuals whom receiving the negativity. The idea behind self-check is to become a motivator for the bias, there are thought to be two motivations for using the self-serving bias (Park & Kitayama, 2012). a). Self-enhancement and self-presentation b). The concept of self-enhancement applies to the need to keep up one’s self-worth.


Park, J & Kitayama, S., (2012). Self-Serving Bias. ScienceDirect. https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/medicine-and-…

Karpen S. C. (2018). The Social Psychology of Biased Self-Assessment. American journal of pharmaceutical education82(5), 6299. https://doi.org/10.5688/ajpe6299

Response 4

Samantha Smith

RE: Discussion – Week 7


There are various types of biases, but regardless of the type, it is still rooted in judgment. According to The University of California, San Francisco Office of Diversity and Outreach, bias is a prejudgment supporting or opposing a thing, person, or group in an unfavorable comparison. Two of the main types of biases are conscious and unconscious. Also, respectively are identified as explicit and implicit biases (Unconscious Bias, n.d.).

I used to think that I was not biased. I consider myself to be objective and non-judgmental. However, after some research, I know I am guilty of unconscious bias. It is an unintentional act derived from a preconceived idea (Brownstein, 2019). When I reflect, my bias was subtle. I realized I always had a subconscious thought of morbidly obese individuals. I automatically assumed they overeat, are lazy, and inconsiderate of their health. Acknowledging this bias was difficult, but I cannot deny it because I know I formed a judgment about a group of people without any insight into their mental and health.

Initially, I would have been unable to write about my bias in a scholarly tone because it lacked objectivity and was not evidence-based. However, to reduce the bias and write in a scholarly tone, I would research peer-reviewed articles that target the mental and physical well-being of morbidly obese people. The articles may support or oppose my opinion but enable me to write in a clear, concise, and unbiased tone.

Learning Resources videos were helpful; I appreciate that the delivery of the information is brief and concise. Sometimes the number of Learning Resources can be overwhelming, but I have learned to embrace each of them because something I obtained can help me in my professional and personal life.


Brownstein, M. (2019). “Implicit bias”, the Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy (Fall 2019 ed.). Edward N. Zalta (ed.). https://doi.org/ (Original work published 2015)

Unconscious bias. (n.d.). UCSF Office of Diversity and Outreach. https://diversity.ucsf.edu/resources/unconscious-bias

West Coast University Week 7 Type of Bias Discussion

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