Women Discrimination in Workplace Research Proposal

Women Discrimination in Workplace Research Proposal

Women Discrimination in Workplace Research Proposal

Research Proposal Method Section

For this Assignment, you will turn in the Method Section of your Final Project draft. Using the Final Project Guidelines provided in this week’s Learning Resources, complete the Method Section of your Research Proposal, which should be 5–7 pages, not including the title page, abstract, and references. It should include all of the following subsections: participant, sampling, materials and measures, and procedure.



Specifically, the paper must consist of a draft of full APA-style Method Section, including additional references as necessary for scales, psychometrics, sampling, etc. (in addition to the 10 empirical references you included in your Introduction).

The Assignment (5- to 7-page pager):

  • Paper will consist of:
    • Draft of full APA-style Method Section, including all of the following subsections: participant, sampling, materials and measures, and procedure.
    • Additional references as necessary for scales, psychometrics, sampling, etc. (in addition to the 10 empirical references you included in your Introduction).

Support your Assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. You are to provide a reference list for all resources, including those in the Learning Resources for this course.

Required Resources

Note: To access this week’s required library resources, please click on the link to the Course Readings List, found in the Course Materials section of your syllabus.


  • Course Text: Survey Methodology
    • Chapter 5, “Methods of Data Collection” (for review)
    • Chapter 6, “Nonresponse in Sample Surveys”
  • Article: Holbrook, A. L., Krosnick, J. A., Moore, D., & Tourangeau, R. (2007). Response order effects in dichotomous categorical questions presented orally: The impact of question and respondent attributes. Public Opinion Quarterly, 71(3), 325–348. Retrieved from the Walden Library using the SocINDEX with Full Text database.
  • Article: Porter, S. R., & Whitcomb, M. E. (2007). Mixed-mode contacts in web surveys: Paper is not necessarily better. Public Opinion Quarterly, 71, 635–648. Retrieved from the Walden Library using the SocINDEX with Full Text database.


Optional Resources


  • Article: Tourangeau, R., Couper, M. P., & Conrad, F. (2004). Spacing, position, and order: Interpretive heuristics for visual features of survey questions. Public Opinion Quarterly, 68(3), 368–393.
  • Article: Tourangeau, R., & Yan, T. (2007). Sensitive questions in surveys. Psychological Bulletin, 133, 859–883.
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