Timeline for Initiating a Health Initiative Template

Timeline for Initiating a Health Initiative Template

Timeline for Initiating a Health Initiative Template

This Assessment requires submission of three (3) files. Save your files as follows:

  • Save the written narrative from Part I-5 and the Logic File as HE009_Narrative_firstinitial_lastname (for example, HE009_Narrative_J_Smith).
  • Save the completed budget template as HE009_Budget_firstinitial_lastname (for example, HE009_Budget_J_Smith).
  • Save the completed timeline template as HE009_Timeline_firstinitial_lastname (for example, HE009_Timeline_J_Smith).



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This assessment has five parts. Click each of the items below for more information on this Assessment.

Part 1: Needs Analysis

For this Assessment, you will first select a priority population on which to focus. The population could be defined by geographic boundaries, such as a city, town, or neighborhood, or by demographics within the community, such as senior citizens, infants and toddlers, children, teens, men, or women. You may also define the community by locale, such as urban, rural, or suburban. The population can be further narrowed by race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status, gender or sexual orientation, or specific situations: pregnant women, children at risk for obesity, senior citizens living below the poverty line, victims of domestic abuse, veterans, etc. It is suggested that you select a population in which you have an interest or are familiar. Keep in mind the availability of data for the population you select. The more narrow the population or geographic area, the more difficult to find data. The more broad, however, the more difficult it might be to determine meaningful trends.

Once you select the priority population, you must determine how you will collect information and data regarding the authentic health needs of that population. Keep in mind that a needs analysis is taken to ensure that an initiative is based on clear evidence and is, in fact, needed. Consider: What existing health regulations or policies might prompt an initiative for this population? What are the population’s greatest health needs? What initiatives already exist addressing the needs? What financial and human capital are available to this population? In what ways might the population be underserved? What organizations and health programs serve this population? What initiatives have been successful and not successful in the past?

Consider these approaches to information and data collection:

  • Start with public health agencies. These are often the best source for local and targeted information, and public health staff can also point you toward sources of the statistical information that you need.
  • Check individual states and towns for community health statistics. Speak to members of the community and ask questions. Qualitative as well as quantitative data is valuable, and information gained can further focus your efforts. Review media and research.
  • Speak to community organizations. For example, United Way, local senior centers, after-school programs, veterans’ services, baby clinics, maternal and child health services, support groups, or whatever organizations are involved with the selected population.
  • Locate the statistics that can help pinpoint and verify needs, and provide the persuasive quantitative data you will need to inform an initiative.
  • Look at resources listed in this Competency and other online resources.

In a 2-page needs analysis, briefly describe the results of your research. Include the following:

  • A description of the priority population or community.
  • A list of at least fivechosen indicators (statistics that you have found) and comparison to the state or national levels (Note: It may be helpful for you to organize this information in a table first.)
  • A list of at least threestakeholders (individuals, organizations, etc.) representing the priority population that you wish to receive feedback from concerning their perceived health needs, including an explanation of how the stakeholders are relevant to the priority population.
  • Identification of the health need you wish to address based on gaps between indicators among your priority population and state/national averages.
  • A data-based rationale for selecting this need.
  • A brief description of at least fivesources you used to verify this need.
  • Descriptions of existing financial and human resources, policies, and programs in place for this population.

Part 2: Planning Model for a Health Initiative

You will now focus on a planning model that aligns to the health need you have identified and wish to address. A planning model is a comprehensive framework for creating a health initiative (also called a health program) and, in particular, guides the goals, specific objectives, and theoretical considerations of the initiative.

Many different planning models are applied in healthcare. Most address common elements such as engagement of the community, prioritization of health issues, and development of a goal or vision. When selecting a planning model for a health initiative it is important to select one that best provides a strong correlation between the model and identified health needs. Refer to the Jellybean Diagram included with this Assessment as an example of a model in population health that demonstrates the relationships between community partners, and all who could be involved in health program planning.

In a 3- to 4-page narrative, describe the planning model of your initiative as follows:

  • List the goal (at least one) and objectives (2–3) of your initiative based on the identified health need of your priority population.
  • With the intended goal(s) of your health initiative in mind, select oneplanning model that provides a direct correlation between the model and initiative objectives. Identify and describe the planning model you have selected. Provide a rationale for choosing this model. Why is it most effective for your program?
  • Describe specific aspects of your initiative including:
    • Inputs:What resources will go into the program?
      • Include collaboration between a public health agency and community-based organization.
      • Include at least fouradditional resources as appropriate to your initiative, such as other stakeholders or partners, staffing time, money, volunteer availability, equipment, technologies, etc.
    • Activities:What are the events or actions that will take place?
      • What will actually be done? These can include: early planning and assessment activities, training sessions, phone campaign, media outreach, community meetings, presentations at city council meetings, and local events (such as, a health fair or fundraiser[s] for a specific issue).
    • Outcomes:What are the intended outcomes of the initiative?
      • These include short-term, intermediate, and long-term outcomes.

Part 3: Timeline for Initiating a Health Initiative

Assume that your health initiative has been approved. With the planning you have already accomplished, consider a 1-year timeline for initiating the program. Ask yourself: For this initiative to launch in 1 year (the typical timeline for grants and evaluations), what activities need to happen by when?

Create a timeline of your activities for launching your health initiative using the Timeline Template provided.

Save this file as HE009_Timeline_firstinitial_lastname (for example, HE009_Timeline_J_Smith).

Part 4: Budget Proposal for a Health Initiative

A well-thought out budget proposal is a critical part of getting any health initiative approved. Create a budget proposal for your health initiative using the Budget Template provided.

In addition, create a 2-page budget narrative as follows:

  • Explain each category and item. This might include donations that might be covering some costs.
  • Describe potential funding sources for the health initiative. Consider local corporate sponsors, community organizations, special interest groups, or any other place that you might realistically go looking for money.
  • Describe any community partner collaboration (i.e., financial, gifts, or bartering) for this initiative that includes at least one public health agency and a community-based organization.

Save this file as HE009_Budget_firstinitial_lastname (for example, HE009_Budget_J_Smith).

Part 5: Logic Model for a Health Initiative

The logic model summarizes the program that has been designed. Create a logic model graphic using the template provided. Your “Logic Model Graphic” should reflect all core aspects of your initiative as described in Part 2.

Save this file as HE009_Narrative_firstinitial_lastname (for example, HE009_Narrative_J_Smith).


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