NURS 250: QSEN/NPSG Student Presentation Guidelines

NURS 250: QSEN/NPSG Student Presentation Guidelines

NURS 250: QSEN/NPSG Student Presentation Guidelines

Incorporate the Joint Commission National Patient Safety Goals (NPSG) and Quality and Safety Education

for Nurses (QSEN) principles into a presentation that demonstrates their application to safe and effective

nursing practice.


Assignment Overview:

Students will be assigned one of eight scenarios related to the principles of the NPSGs and QSEN in

nursing practice. Students will research the assigned topic and lead classmates in a presentation and

discussion that focuses on the application of that topic to safe nursing practice. The format of the

presentation should be one that enhances understanding of the content. Creativity is encouraged. The

total length of the presentation is 20-30 minutes, which includes an engaging activity and the

opportunity for Q&A.

Instructions Requirements:

1. A PowerPoint visual element for presentation.

2. A peer handout to be distributed to each group member that reviews or illustrates the most

critical points of the presentation.

3. An activity that promotes audience engagement and reinforces your topic.

4. A minimum of 3 evidence-based references

excluding textbooks from professional sources

reflective of current evidence-based nursing practice in the United States.

Examples include: professional websites, nursing journals, peer-reviewed articles, or

material from professional nursing organizations. Course textbooks do not count as an

evidence-based professional resource but may be used in addition to the required


b. Resources should be no more than 5-years old unless considered historically relevant.

References and resources must specifically focus on nursing practice in the U.S. For

example, a research study discussing strategies surgeons use to reduce hospital-

acquired surgical site infections in New Zealand is not an appropriate resource for this


d. Blogs, consumer-based websites, and wikis are not acceptable resources.

e. Grading faculty will randomly verify at least one reference for every student.

5. APA format is required.


“In text” citations must appear within the PowerPoint. ANY information learned from

research must be cited, whether a direct quote, paraphrased, or bullet-pointed for the


b. A comprehensive reference list (works cited) must be provided and is to be included at

the end of the PPT. In addition, a works-cited or reference list must be provided to

your instructor in APA format. Remember:

i. All citations must correlate to a specific reference on the final reference list.

ii. All references should correlate to a citation within the presentation.


Students are expected to use

APA the Easy Way

(REQUIRED course text). In addition,

several reputable resources for APA format are provided to you at the end of these

instructions. The Nursing Student Lab coordinators will also be conducting workshops

on use of APA format (dates/times TBD).

d. Graphics: purely decorative graphics or pictures (such as clipart) do not require a

citation/reference. Any graphic that contains information (such as statistics) or

proprietary information must have a citation & correlating reference.

assignment question/ scenario

Discuss how to improve communication with patients with limited English proficiency (LEP).

What methods are available to assess and ensure the effectiveness of communication with the patient and

family? Integrate the importance of patient preferences/values/culture.

QSEN competency: Patient centered care.

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