Walden University Evaluating HIT Health Policy Essay & Brochure

Walden University Evaluating HIT Health Policy Essay & Brochure

Walden University Evaluating HIT Health Policy Essay & Brochure

I’m working on a nursing multi-part question and need a sample draft to help me study.


  1. Find and evaluate evidence-based practice literature pertaining to your selected policy ( I work in CCU -CARDIAC CARE ICU if you can find a policy pertaining to that). You’ll need at least two current, scholarly articles that pertain to the policy you selected. These resources will be cited and used within each of the sections of your brochure. { Document #1 : 1 page in paragraph style}
  2. What are the barriers to implementing the policy? If it has already been implemented, what are the barriers to modifying the policy?
  3. Based on what you’ve learned, do you support the policy or want to see it changed? Why? What changes do you recommend to the policy? What can nurses do to support or change the policy? (Document #2 includes question # 2 and 3 in essay paragraph style)
  4. Using the policy brochure template, create a policy brochure to hang in a staff lounge bulletin board. It should be one page and use colors, graphics, and any other visual aids that applies. Your brochure should include each of the following sections/topics:
    1. Select a policy at the institutional, local, state, or federal level (or your country of origin) that affects you and/or your workplace. For example, it may be a policy that you have observed in your current clinical setting or one that you have read about in a professional journal or newspaper. Give a brief overview of the policy. What is the overall impact of the policy in healthcare? How does the policy impact you and/or your workplace?
    2. Determine how nurses or other healthcare professionals view the policy. You can do this by talking with fellow nurses, observing staff putting the policy into action, or locating readings that discuss how the policy has been received.
    3. Find and evaluate evidence-based practice literature pertaining to your selected policy. You’ll need at least two current, scholarly articles that pertain to the policy you selected. These resources will be cited and used within each of the sections of your brochure.
    4. What are the barriers to implementing the policy? If it has already been implemented, what are the barriers to modifying the policy?
    5. Based on what you’ve learned, do you support the policy or want to see it changed? Why? What changes do you recommend to the policy? What can nurses do to support or change the policy?

    Support each of your responses with scholarly resources, as needed.

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