Plans Developmentally Appropriate Curriculum

Plans Developmentally Appropriate Curriculum

Plans Developmentally Appropriate Curriculum


Before submitting your Assessment, carefully review the rubric. This is the same rubric the assessor will use to evaluate your submission and it provides detailed criteria describing how to achieve or master the Competency. Many students find that understanding the requirements of the Assessment and the rubric criteria help them direct their focus and use their time most productively.



Access the following to complete this Assessment:


Identify a preschool setting that provides educational programs for 3- and 4-year-olds. Arrange to visit and interview a teacher and to observe in his or her classroom for at least two hours. Use the “Interview Guide” document to inform your questions during your scheduled interview.

Keeping in mind all you have learned about the context of the preschool program and the standards that inform its curriculum, plan three learning experiences around a central theme chosen in collaboration with the teacher you interview. Use the template provided in the “Learning Experience Plan Template” document.

Taken together, the learning experiences must include all content areas addressed in the Rubric (literacy; math, science, and technology; health; and the arts) and must address all domains of development (cognitive, social, emotional, and physical). Remember that, because your learning experiences are designed around an integrated theme, multiple content areas and domains of development will be represented within each learning experience.

Write a 7- to 10-page narrative analysis of your Learning Experiences Plan that includes a brief description of the central theme and explanations of the following:

  1. How the learning experiences, taken as a whole, reflect at least three indicators of effective curriculum
  2. How the learning experiences reflect appropriate learning standards and the goals identified by the early childhood teacher you interviewed
  3. How knowledge of the children and families informed the learning experiences
  4. How the learning experiences promote language and literacy
  5. How the learning experiences promote math, science, and technology learning
  6. How the learning experiences promote learning in the arts
  7. How the learning experiences promote social, emotional, and physical development
  8. How the assessment strategies used in the learning experiences informed your understanding of children’s learning and development
  9. How play is incorporated into your learning experiences and why this is a vital component of the early childhood curriculum
  10. How the learning experiences you planned can be differentiated to meet the needs of individual children, including those with exceptionalities (Note: Include a description of at least two strategies.)
  11. How you collaborated to develop the learning experiences, including:
    • An explanation of the value of collaborating in the curriculum planning process
    • A description of any challenges you experienced
    • An example of ways you compromised, demonstrated respect, and/or shared responsibility to develop the learning experiences

Note: Include the three “Learning Experience Plan Template” documents as an Appendix to your Learning Experiences Plan.


Learning Experience Plan Template

Foundations of Lesson Plan
Content Areas and Developmental Domains

Identify the content area(s) and developmental domain(s) you will address in this learning experience.

1–2 paragraphs

State/District/Professional Standards

Identify one early learning standard that informed your planning of this learning experience.


1–2 sentences

Learning Goals

Briefly describe your goal(s) or desired outcome(s) of the learning experience.

1 paragraph


List texts, websites, writing/art supplies, props/artifacts, assistive technology, computer software, Internet resources, audio/visual media, and other tools and materials needed for this experience.


Length will vary.


Lesson Sequence
 Align all activities with the standard(s), goal(s), and context.

Introduction/Anticipatory Set
Describe initial teacher-and-child activities that establish a warm connection and capture children’s attention. Answer the following:

·         How will you build a sense of relationship and connection with children during the introduction?

·         How will you relate the lesson to children’s interests, prior knowledge, and families/communities?

2–3 paragraphs


Building/Applying Knowledge and Skills
Describe specifically, and in a step-by-step fashion, what you and the children will do in all activities and transitions that are part of this learning experience. Make sure each activity is meaningful and supports your goal(s). Be sure to consider specific content areas and developmental domains that are relevant to the learning experience.


For each activity, explain how the activity might be differentiated to meet the needs of individual children, including children with exceptionalities. Give specific examples related to particular children in the classroom that you observed.

3–5 paragraphs

Assessment is the process by which early childhood professionals gain understanding of children’s development and learning. Describe strategies you will use to assess children’s learning. Consider how you will:

·         Utilize and document observation to assess children’s learning.

·         Make sure all assessments are aligned with your goal(s) for the lesson.

2–3 paragraphs



Learning Activities:

Closure is the conclusion of your learning experience. It is a time to wrap up the experience by summarizing, reviewing, and/or reflecting on the learning that has taken place. Describe all activities and strategies you will use in the closure of your learning activity.

1–2 paragraphs

Plans Developmentally Appropriate Curriculum


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