Management of emotions and Spiritual distress

Management of emotions and Spiritual distress

Management of emotions and Spiritual distress

End of life chapter 7 summaries

. Lowey, S.E. (2015). Nursing care at the end of life. Geneseo, NY: Open SUNY Textbooks, Milne Library. This is available free ofInitial post -Summarize the chapter you chose for your primary post. Respond to the prompts posted in the rubric below. No references required beyond the text by Lowey.



Substantive additions – two responses to different chapters than originally addressed are posted. Note criteria for a professional nursing journal on page seven of the syllabus. Please refer to the Assignment Guidance and Template folder for a more detail

Initial post




Does not meet criteria

1. Succinct summary

Summarized clearly and logically. Succinct yet, thorough. (6 points)

Lacks one of the following: Clarity, succinct, thorough

(4 points)

Lacks two of the following: Clarity, succinctness, thoroughness

(0 points)

2. Implications for nursing

Summary clearly linked to nursing practice (10 points)

Vague, not clearly linked to nursing practice (5 points)

Not linked to nursing practice

(0 points)

Question for peers

Thought stimulating (1 point)

Question not thought stimulating (0 points)

No question

(0 points)

Professional writing mechanics. Citation(s) and reference(s) per APA style)

Fewer than four total mistakes in grammar, sentence structure, punctuation, paragraphing

Organization is clear and logical

Minimal or no direct quotations (3 points)

Fewer than eight mistakes in writing quality

Clear and logical

Multiple or lengthy direct quotations (2 points)

Eight or more mistakes in writing mechanics

Lacks organization

(0 points)

Substantive additions

substantive addition # 1

1) Addition adds relevant, valuable information.

2) Demonstrates critical analysis. Minimal or no direct quotes.

3) Professionally written

4) Adds to a topic other than own initial post

5) at least one professional nursing journal is cited and referenced (5 points)

1) Response adds value.

2) Minimal demonstration of critical analysis.

3) Professionally written.

4) Responds to same topic as own original post

5) Professional nursing journal cited and referenced per APA style, but integration into response limited (3 points)

Little added value

Critical analysis not evident

Multiple writing mechanics errors

Professional journal article not integrated, cited or referenced

(0 points)

substantive addition

# 2

1) Addition adds relevant, valuable information

2) Demonstrates critical analysis. Minimal or no direct quotes

3) Professionally written

4) Adds to a topic other than own initial post

5) at least one professional nursing journal is cited and referenced

(5 points)

1) Response adds value

2) Minimal demonstration of critical analysis

3) Professionally written

4) Responds to same topic as own original post

5) Professional nursing journal cited and referenced per APA style, but integration is limited (3 points)

Little added value

Critical analysis not evident

Multiple writing mechanics errors.

Professional journal article not integrated, cited or referenced. (0 points)charge at…

See appendix E for the rubric.


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