Evaluation Design-Select Your Organization and Program, Problem, or Policy

Evaluation Design-Select Your Organization and Program, Problem, or Policy

Evaluation Design-Select Your Organization and Program, Problem, or Policy

This course differs from other research courses in that it emphasizes the proper and appropriate application of research skills specific to the public and nonprofit sectors. While many research courses cover similar concepts, this course affords students with the opportunity to apply these concepts through the construction of an evaluation design. Learning effective research skills is important, but being able to apply these skills appropriately in practical situations is essential for success in the public and nonprofit sectors. It is essential to not only know these skills but also to apply them appropriately in a variety of situations.



To prepare for this Assignment, consider an organization that you work for or are familiar with. For that organization, think about a program, problem, or policy that would benefit from research and evaluation. If you are not familiar with an organization to use for the assignment, select an organization from the Virtual Community of New Harbor, Delaware. Organizations available for selection include: Peacetree, the New Harbor Port Authority, or the New Harbor Memorial Hospital.

Submit to your instructor the organization and program, problem, or policy you have selected for the Final Project. Provide a one-paragraph description of the organization followed by a brief (two– to three–paragraph) description of the program, problem, or policy within that organization that you feel would benefit from research and evaluation, and why it would benefit. You will demonstrate your understanding of the major topics presented in this course by applying them to a public or nonprofit organization of your choice. You will develop an evaluation design that could be used to evaluate a program, problem, or policy. The evaluation design will address this program, problem, or policy in your organization or an organization with which you are familiar. The organization should be within the public or nonprofit sector.

I work for Job Corps Center if you want to use that or use something from the list.



  • Johnson, G. (2014). Research methods for public administrators (3rd ed.). Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe.
    • Chapter 1, “Introduction: Research Methods for Public Administrators” (pp. 3–16)
    • Chapter 2, “Basic Research Concepts” (pp. 17–33)
  • Hatry, H. P. (2013). Sorting the relationships among performance measurement, program evaluation, and performance management. New Directions for Evaluation, 2013(137),19–32.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
  • Litman, T. (2008). Evaluating research quality: Guidelines for scholarship. Victoria, British Columbia:Victoria Transport Quality Institute.
    Litman, T. (2012). Evaluating Research Quality Guidelines for Scholarship. Victoria Transport Policy Institute. Retrieved from http://www.vtpi.org/resqual.pdf Used with permission from Todd Litman.
  • Washington State Institute for Public Policy. (2004). Outcome of Washington state’s research-based programs for juvenile offenders. Retrieved from www.wsipp.wa.gov/ReportFile/852
  • Laureate Education (Producer). (2013c). Virtual community. [Multimedia file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

    Walden University has created a simulated Virtual Community known as New Harbor, Delaware. This Virtual Community is being used in various other courses and is being made available in this course as well. The Virtual Community consists of several organizations and individuals that may be useful in completing some of the assignments in this course. You may either use an organization that you are familiar with for the assignments in this course, or you may use an organization from the Virtual City. The Virtual Community may be viewed at the link below. Please click on the flashing dots to learn more about each organization in the city.

    “Virtual Community” Transcript (PDF)

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