Technology and Cyber-Stalking

Technology and Cyber-Stalking

Technology and Cyber-Stalking

Rapidly advancing technologies present both challenges to and solutions for law enforcement. One challenge related to the tracking and apprehension of cyber-stalkers revolves around jurisdiction. A cyber-stalker could harass you from around the block, another state, or across the world. This creates jurisdictional issues that must be taken into consideration when new legislation is developed related to cyber-stalking. Another challenge is determining the appropriate penalty for cyber-stalking. Stalking is a crime that leaves emotional scars, which can make the damage difficult to assess.



As criminals use technology in new ways for cyber-stalking, law enforcement agencies use technology in new ways for tracking and apprehending cyber-stalkers. Many of the larger law enforcement agencies have computer crime units and receive training from cyber-forensics professors.

For this assignment, think about ways law enforcement might use technology to track and apprehend cyber-stalkers. Consider challenges law enforcement might face in tracking the behavior of cyber-stalkers. Then review penalties for engaging in cyber-stalking behavior in your state or country of residence. Think about the degree to which the penalties are adequate for penalizing cyber-stalkers.

The Assignment (2–3 pages)

  • Describe three ways law enforcement might use technology to track and apprehend cyber-stalkers.
  • Explain at least two challenges law enforcement may face in tracking the behavior of cyber-stalkers.
  • Explain penalties for engaging in cyber-stalking behavior in your state or country of residence.
  • Explain whether the penalties you identified are adequate for penalizing cyber-stalkers or not.

Support your Application Assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. You are to provide a reference list for all resources.


  • Course Text: Taylor, R. W., Fritsch, E. J., & Liederbach, J. (2015). Digital crime and digital terrorism. (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
    • Chapter 8, “Sex Crimes, Victimization, and Obscenity on the World Wide Web” (review)
  • Article: Basu, S., & Jones, R. (2007). Regulating cyberstalking. Journal of Information, Law and Technology, (2).
    Retrieved from the Walden Library using the LegalTrac database.
  • Article: Creepy crawlies: Cyber-stalking. (2011). The Economist, 399(8730), 63–64.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library using the Academic Search Complete database.
  • Article: Franken, Blumenthal introduce mobile privacy legislation. (2011). Telecommunications Reports, 77(13), 12–13.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library using the ProQuest Central database.
  • Article: Reyns, B. W. (2010). A situational crime prevention approach to cyberstalking victimization: Preventive tactics for Internet users and online place managers. Crime Prevention and Community Safety, 12(2), 99–118.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library using the ProQuest Central database.
  • Article: Roberts, L. (2008). Jurisdictional and definitional concerns with computer-mediated interpersonal crimes: An analysis on cyber stalking. International Journal of Cyber Criminology, 2(1), 271–285.

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