Motivation In Work the Environment Presentation

Motivation In Work the Environment Presentation

Motivation In Work the Environment Presentation

Plan for exactly 20 Power Point slides for the presentation. Last slide should not be a

reference slide. Info will appear on the first slide. Be sure to use bullets for key

information. Do not write out sentences on the slide.

You should use photos and/or graphs to enhance your presentation. You should have

exactly 20 slides. Select words carefully. Bullet information. Presentation should be

visually appealing, as well as scholarly.



Search CINAHL for a research study published in a nursing journal (2010-present) that

has patients and/or families as participants in the study. Choose one quantitative nursing

study that is useful to your practice area to examine closely and critique. Be sure the

study is one that is easy to read and understand. Do not choose a psychometric testing of

an instrument article or a critical review article.

IMPORTANT: The PDF of the nursing study article is to be posted in the Discussion

area for my approval. No duplicates are permitted so that each presentation will be


Power Point Slides

1. Title Slide – Identify the title of the article Also include your name and credentials,

NURS 350 and date. On the bottom half of the slide, using APA format, insert a text box

and cite the complete reference in a smaller font (size 14 or 16).

2. Identify the author(s) full names, credentials and affiliation. Are all of the authors nurses

or are other disciplines represented?

3. Describe why you have chosen this study to present.

4. Quote the aim/purpose and cite the page number.

5. Identify the sample size.


6. Provide a description of Sample (describe the actual participants, not the

inclusion/exclusion criteria)

7. Identify the instruments used in the study. Describe each regarding: what is measures, the

number of questions, the Likert scaling used, names of any subscales, the meaning of a

high score or low score.

8. Describe the protection of participants (e.g. IRB approval, informed consent, etc.).

9. Describe how the data was collected (how and where participants were contacted and the

data collected)

10. Identify the number of tables and describe what each table presents.

11. Identify how the data was analyzed (e.g. Independent or Paired t-Test, Pearson

Correlations, ANOVA, Multiple Regression, etc.)

12. Describe the research findings in words. Do not report numbers, mean scores, etc. (at

least three slides)

13. Describe how you could use the results in your nursing practice.

14. Identify at least one weakness of the study that you see and describe why (not the

author’s statement of limitations).

15. Provide your overall opinion of the study. Support statements with information from your

research book.



Excellent Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
Nursing Research Study Chosen is Appropriate  and Includes Title and APA Reference in Bottom Half of Slide



The nursing research study is a quantitative nursing study and reference is cited correctly using APA


The nursing research study is a quantitative nursing study and reference is not cited correctly using APA


The nursing research study is a quantitative nursing study but reference is not cited


Study chosen from a different discipline and/or not quantitative; references not  cited

Authors and Credentials 5

Identifies the author(s) full names, credentials and affiliation.


Identifies all authors but missing some credentials or affiliations


Identifies most of the authors, credentials, and/or affiliations


Missing authors

Rationale for Choice of Study 5

Clearly describes own rationale for selection of study


Rationale not fully descriptive


Rationale not clear



Rationale does not make sense

Purpose of the Study 5

Accurately quotes  study purpose with page number


Accurately quotes  study purpose without page number


Most of study purpose quoted


Does not identify study purpose

Sample Size and Description of Sample 5

Accurately identifies the sample size with specifics regarding actual participants



Identifies the sample size with some specifics regarding actual participants



Identifies the sample size, but not the specifics of actual participants


Does not identify sample size or describe the participants

Instruments used in Study 10

Describes all instruments used in study including what it measures; Likert scaling, questions, and meaning of scores


Describes the instruments used in the study including what it measures; Likert scaling, questions, but not meaning of scores


Names instrument used in the study, but does not provide description of all components


Does not describe instrument used in the study

Protection of Participants 5

Clearly describes processes for IRB approval, informed consent


Description of IRB process not clear; does include informed consent process


IRB and informed consent processes not clear


Does not describe IRB and informed consent processes

Data Collection Processes 5

Clearly describes processes for data collection



Data collection processes not clear


Data collection processes incomplete


Does not describe all data collection processes

Description of Tables and Data 5

Identifies all tables and describes data included


Identifies all tables and most of data included


Data description in tables is vague


Not all tables/ data described

Data Analysis 10

Clearly describes all data analysis


Describes most of data analysis


Data analysis description is vague


Does not describe data analysis

Research Findings 20

Clearly identifies all research findings in words and on at least three slides


Identifies some of the research findings – includes some numbers


Identifies research findings, but missing some results


Does not list nor describe all research findings

Using the Findings in Own Practice 5

Clearly identifies three or more ways to use the findings in own practice


Identifies two ways to use the findings in own practice


Identifies one ways to use the findings in own practice


Does not identify ways to use the findings in own practice

Study Weaknesses 5

Identifies two or more study weaknesses (not in author’s limitations) and describes why


Identifies one study weakness (not in author’s limitations) and describes why


Identifies one study weakness (not entirely separate from  author’s limitations)


Does not describe study weaknesses

Overall Study Assessment- References Text 5

Clearly describes why study is excellent and references text



Somewhat describes why study is excellent


Description is vague- does not reference text


Description does not make sense

Format of Slides 5

20 Slides include photos and/or graphs; visually appealing and scholarly


20 slides but does include photos and/or graphs; is visually appealing and scholarly


Less than or more than 20 slides and does not include photos/ graphs; and/or is not visually appealing and scholarly


Less than or more than 20 slides and not formatted professionally

Motivation In Work the Environment Presentation

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