Hospital Falls among Elderly Patients

Hospital Falls among Elderly Patients

Hospital Falls among Elderly Patients

Scholarly Paper: Using the PICOT process, analyze a current nursing practice-related issues.Select an issue from your NURS 412 clinical practice and write a PICOT research question.

The scholarly paper should be typed, double spaced, 12 point, Times New Roman using APA format, and limited to 6 pages including title and reference pages. The references cannot be older than 2018.EVALUATION OF UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARLY PAPER RUBRIC WILL BE USED.



Support your position with references no older than 2018 from at least two peer reviewed journal reference articles.

the Rubric is in the SYLLABUS and some power point slides are attached below for clarity


  1. Course Prerequisites: Completion of NURS 415/416, and NURS 406/409 with a grade             of “C” or better, all general education courses of the freshmen, sophomore and junior             year of the progression plan.


II.                Course Description


            This course is designed to provide students with an overview of content related to leadership and management theories and to examine multiple nursing issues. Emphasis is twofold: (1) it is placed on broadening students’ understanding of the role(s) and responsibilities of professional nursing, and on recognizing the need for continuing professional learning and (2) gaining an understanding of the role of the nurse in managing others in the provision of direct care to the client.



III.             End of Program Student Learning Outcomes


Upon completion of the Undergraduate Nursing Program, the graduate will be able to:


  1. Implement nursing process and caring behaviors with individuals, families, and communities.
  2. Utilize critical thinking and clinical reasoning to promote optimal wellness with individuals, families and communities.
  3. Utilize communication, technology, and inter-professional collaboration to provide safe and effective care.
  4. Integrate culturally congruent care for clients across the life span.
  5. Utilize evidence-based findings for clinical decision-making in nursing practice.
  6. Apply health policies from legislative and governing bodies into clinical nursing practice while adhering to legal and ethical principles.
  7. Demonstrate the ability to address the changing health care needs of diverse populations representing the global community.



IV.        Student Learning Outcomes


          Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:


  1. Assess personal values and caring behaviors in planning strategies to lead and manage peers, clients or nursing unit.
  2. Distinguish the effects of communication techniques on the outcomes of nursing management and leadership.
  3. Analyze cultural congruent care related to nursing issues, leadership and management.
  4. Evaluate ethical and legal professional nursing issues as they pertain to leading and managing in nursing care situations.
  5. Utilize critical thinking to determine priority nursing care decisions while in a management and leadership role.
  6. Explore the concepts of power, empowerment, autonomy and advocacy in managing nursing practice issues.
  7. Analyze research findings related to professional nursing issues, leadership and management.

Hospital Falls among Elderly Patients


V.        Required Texts


American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.) Washington, D.C.: Author.  ISBN: 9781433805615  


Marquis, B. L., & Huston, C. J. (2017). Leadership Roles and Management Functions in    Nursing: Theory and Application (9th ed.). China: Wolters Kluwer Health. ISBN:



VI.      Supplemental/Recommended Text or Reference Material


Sprayberry, L. D. (2014). A response to the transformation of America’s healthcare: Direct-care nurses bringing FLOWERS (TM) to the bedside. Medsurg Nursing. 23(2), 123-130.



VII.          Instructional Methods


Lecture with discussion              Small group work              Guided independent study

Student led presentations           Clinical Conferences            Adaptive learning

Case Studies                               Client interactions



VIII.         Evaluation Methods       

Exams (3) 18% each
Quiz 6%
Scholarly Paper 7.5%                             
Final Exam 25%
ATI Adaptive Learning 2.5%
ATI Proctored Exam



IX.       Grading Scale


A  = 92 – 100

B   = 83 – 91

C   = 75 – 82                  

D = 68 -74

F = below 67.5



ATI Proctored Exam Grading:

Level 3 (88.3% – 100%) =100%

Level 2 (76.7% – 86.7% = 91%

Level 1 (61.7% – 75%) = 75%

Below Level 1 = 68%


Final grade ending > .5 will be rounded up to nearest whole number        




This is an independent activity which requires submission of a scholarly paper, according to the instructions below. The scholarly paper will be graded based on the Evaluation of Undergraduate Scholarly Paper rubric, which is included in this syllabus.


Scholarly Paper: Using the PICOT process, analyze a current nursing practice-related issues.  Select an issue from your NURS 412 clinical practice and write a PICOT research question.

The scholarly paper should be typed, double spaced, 12 point, Times New Roman using APA format, and limited to 6 pages including title and reference pages. The references cannot be older than 2018.  EVALUATION OF UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARLY PAPER RUBRIC WILL BE USED.

Support your position with references no older than 2018 from at least two peer reviewed journal reference articles.


  1. Course Outline


Unit I:  The Critical Triad:  Decision Making, Management, and Leadership


  1. Decision Making, Critical Thinking
  2. Leadership and Management
  3. Patient, Subordinate, Workplace & Professional Advocacy
  4. Technology and Informatics
  5. Nursing Today


Unit II:   Foundations for Effective Leadership and Management Ethics, Law, and                            Advocacy


  1. Patient, Subordinate, Workplace and Professional Advocacy
  2. Inter-Professional Teamwork and Collaboration
  3. Change, Innovation and Conflict Management


Unit III:   Roles and Functions in Planning, Staffing and Directing

  1. Time Management
  2. Effective Staffing
  3. Budget Concepts for Safe Patient Care
  4. Delegation of Patient Care


            Unit IV:   Managing Ethics, Law and Advocacy.

Quality Control


  1. Ethical Aspects of Health care
  2. Legal Aspects of Health Care
  3. Quality Improvement and Evidence-Based Patient Care


Unit V:   Roles and Functions in Controlling


  1. Problem Employees
  2. Career Planning and Achieving Balance



  1. Student Requirements/Guidelines:


  • The student will adhere to the academic regulations and requirement of the current Bowie State University Undergraduate Academic Catalog.
  • Assignments. You will be asked to complete a variety of assignments that will help accentuate the concepts, methods and strategies learned in the course. Each assignment will be worth points (see evaluation) and will be explained before you begin.

Assignments are to be submitted on time and via electronic media (Blackboard or email).  All assignments must display knowledge of the content standards and principles of the program.  Assignments must be completed on time and in compliance with specified guidelines.  Assignments submitted late are subject to 5 points reduction for each day late.  Assignments submitted after three (3) business days may not be accepted.

  • Student advisement will occur during scheduled office hours or by appointment.
  • All students must meet with their academic advisor at least once during the semester.
  • All written work must be in scholarly format consistent with APA guidelines.
  • Students must earn a grade of 75% or higher to successfully pass a nursing course.
  • Students are expected to take exams and quizzes at the scheduled time. Make-up exams will only be considered in the case of an EXCUSED absence, with notification to the instructor before the scheduled exam administration time.

§     Academic Dishonesty/Plagiarism

Students will abide by the University Policy regarding Academic Honesty in the current Bowie State University Undergraduate Academic Catalog.

§     Contacting the Instructor

Office hours are listed above.  If you need to reach me anytime other than those listed above, the most effective way is via email using your Bowie State University email account only.

     §     Incomplete Grades

Students will abide by the grading system according to the University Policy in the current Bowie State University Undergraduate Academic Catalog

    §     Special Needs/Disabilities

Students who have a disability and think that they may need special accommodations should report to the Office of Disability Support Services (DSS) in Room 079, Thurgood Marshall Library, or call Dr. Michael Hughes at (301) 860-4067.


This course is web enhanced with Blackboard. Students can access using the following link If assistance is needed with initiating an account, please call the

DIT Helpdesk@ 301 860- 4357


Course material and announcements will be posted on Blackboard. Students will be held accountable for posted material and announcements.


Cell phones, pagers, beepers or any other “attention-grabbing” device are to be turned off or silence before class begins. It is distracting and discourteous to both the instructor and your colleagues.


  • Evaluation of Scholarly Paper Rubrics:








Value % % Earned  


Content and Thought


The content of the scholarly paper is an indicator of the thought processes used by the student in the development and execution of the assignment.

The indicators of these processes are:

1.        Uses relevant references.

2.        Addresses all components of assigned criteria.

3.        Synthesizes information.

4.        Applies theories and concepts.

5.        Uses logical reasoning and correct inductive or deductive reasoning.




Organization Structure

1.        Includes purpose in introduction.

2.        Paper is logically arranged with introduction, body, and summary.

3.        Subsections and paragraphs reflect the main idea.

4.        Transitions occur between thoughts.


Literacy and Style

1.        Uses professional vocabulary.

2.        Uses correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization.

3.        Maintains economy of expression.



1.        Title page is correct.

2.        Page numbering is accurate.

3.        Page header is appropriate.

4.        Citation of references in text is correct.

•       Direct quotes

•       Paraphrasing

5.        Reference list follows APA format.

•       Citations in text are included on reference


•       Reference list citations are included in text


Final Grade 100    


  • Additional Rubrics (optional):
  • Hospital Falls among Elderly Patients
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