Theory of Human Caring Case Study

Theory of Human Caring Case Study

Theory of Human Caring Case Study

Caring Theory Integration Paper

Guidelines for the Paper
This paper will integrate ideas from the Caritas Processes in Watson’s Theory of Human Caring into a case study from the NURS 341 theory or clinical course. The objective of the paper is to explore ideas from Watson’s Theory of Human Caring as these concepts relate to pediatric nursing practice. Students will follow these steps in conceptualizing the paper:



  1. Select a case study from the course that interests the student.
    2. Review Watson’s theory from the textbooks used in the NURS 314 and NURS 360 courses.
    3. Select one Caritas Process that relates to the case study.
    4. Develop the paper, following the outline listed below.
    5. Content should reflect analysis and critical thinking on the part of the student.
    6. Both journals and textbooks should be used as references.
    7. Follow APA style when writing the paper.

The following content outline should be followed when writing the paper:

Section 1. Summarize the pediatric case study and the health alteration. Describe the stage of health alteration or illness in the case. Explain how the child and family situation affects the health alteration and treatment plan

Section 2. Describe one Caritas Process that relates to the case. Describe the Caritas Process within the context of the Theory of Human Caring. Analyze how the Caritas Process is relevant to the case. How would the ideas in the Caritas Process relate to the case? How do these ideas guide nursing practice?

Section 3. Develop a specific nursing approach that applies ideas from the Caritas Process. Fully develop the approach. This should be one full page in length.
• The nursing approach should be applicable to the case, and also practical to utilize with patients and families in your own nursing practice.
• Students should reference ideas from the nursing literature (both journals and textbooks) to develop a nursing approach.

The paper should be written in the student’s own words, and no more than 4 pages in length, including a title page and reference page. This means two pages of content, which requires clear and focused writing. Avoid excessive use of quotations. Include page numbers, clear and accurate writing, following APA style. Use double spacing, 10-12 font, with 1-inch margins. Proper reference style for citations must be used within the paper and in the reference list. Plagiarism guidelines will be followed; use Turn-It-In to review for plagiarism. The paper will be evaluated according to the criteria posted.

PLEASE NOTE: To detect plagiarism and cheating in this course, all student papers will be reviewed through the software program, Turn-it-In located in WebCampus. A “similarity” score should be under 20%. The number of direct quotes within an assignment (despite being accurately cited) will be strictly limited and will be listed in the assignment grading rubric. Please contact me if questions. I will NOT read/check papers before submission!


To submit your paper:

  • An electronic copy should be submitted in the assignment drop box by the due date.
  • Papers received after this time will be considered late. If illness or an emergency prevents a student from meeting deadlines, the instructor must be notified before class.
    The grade will be reduced by 33 points for each day the paper is late, up to 2 days. Papers will not be accepted after 2 days late. Students will receive a grade of “0” for any assignment that is over 2 days late or is plagiarized. If more than 2 pages of content are submitted, only the first 2 pages are graded per the rubric.


Evaluation Criteria for Paper

_____ 1. (15%) Summarize the case study
(5%) Describe the health alteration in the pediatric case
(5%) Describe the stage of health alteration or illness in the case
(5%) Explain how the child and family situation affects the health alteration and

treatment plan

_____ 2. (15%) Summarize the selected Caritas Process
(5%) Describe the Caritas Processes within the context of the Theory of Human Caring
(10%) Analyze how the Caritas Process relates to the case study

_____3. (40%) Suggested nursing approach
(5%) Reflects ideas in the Caritas Process
(5%) Is relevant to the case study
(10%) Can be utilized with children and families in your own nursing practice.
(20%) Approach is coherent and fully developed (one full page in length)

_____ 4. (10%) Resources used as rationale for approaches and as sources of content
(5%) At least one journal article relevant to the case is used as a reference
(5%) At least one textbook is used as a reference

_____ 5. (20%) Paper is written in a scholarly manner
(4%) Format includes title page, body of paper, & reference page, with pages numbered

APA style
(4%) Paper is limited to 4 pages in length, which includes title page and reference page
(4%) References are cited in the paper according to APA style
(4%) References are listed on the reference page according to APA style
(4%) Grammar, language, spelling, and sentence structure are at a college writing level


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