Preventing Hospital Acquired Pressure Ulcer

Preventing Hospital Acquired Pressure Ulcer

Preventing Hospital Acquired Pressure Ulcer

This is the first of a two-part assignment. The second part of this assignment will be developed in NURS 495 or NURS 485.

For Part 1, based on the PICOT question you developed and the evidence you obtained in the literature, you will present a literature review based on the findings that address possible interventions for your identified clinical question.



For Part 2, (which will be completed in NURS 495or NURS 485), you will continue to develop your Quality Improvement (QI) Plan. In the second part of the paper, you will utilize the research that you conducted in this class to develop an implementation and evaluation plan for your identified patient care need. This will include identifying a timeline, stakeholders, responsibilities for implementation and feedback, identifying needed resources, outlining budgetary needs and developing an evaluation plan. Further information will be given in NURS 495 or NURS 485 on developing your plan, however it would be helpful to keep the requirements for the second part of the paper in mind when choosing your topic to research.

You can also find helpful information on how to research a PICOT question by visiting this site:, and clicking on the tab titled Researching your PICOT question

Please be sure to keep a copy of your paper with your instructor’s comments after the end of the semester. You will be continuing this project in NURS 495 or NURS 485. You will be submitting this paper along with part 2 of your QI project in NURS 495 or NURS 485.

Part 1 should be between 7-10 pages (not including cover page and references). It will be graded with the following rubric:



In bed bound residents in a nursing home, should implementing turning and repositioning every 2 hours for pressure ulcer prevention be done versus the use of pressure relief air mattresses?


After you have defined your PICOT question and identified your patient care issue, you can begin and the first part of your quality improvement (QI) project. In order to do this you will need to do a literature search to find evidence for your topic. When doing your literature search, identify a minimum of six (6) research articles on your topic. Once you have found the evidence in the literature, identify one research article from your literature search and determine the level of evidence of that article. In general, you should limit your literature search to articles that have been published during the last five years.


Step One: conduct a literature search for the first part of your QI project. Your QI project will be based on your PICOT question. You should search for a minimum of six research articles that were published within the last 5 years.

Step Two: From your literature search, select one research article and rate the strength of the study design. You may choose a rating system that you feel best applies to the type of study you will be evaluating.

Step Three: Construct your paper according to the outline below. When submitting your assignment, please be sure to also submit the research article you rated along with your paper.

Additional resources can be found at the following website. (Health Sciences Library, 2012 Evidence-Based Practice Tools):

You can also find helpful information on how to research a PICOT question by visiting this site:

Please refer to the following modules in your classroom in week one titled “Rating the Evidence” for examples of different rating systems, and AACN 2012 Levels of Evidence, which has the following reading:

Peterson, M. H., Barnason, S., Donnelly, B., Hill, K., Miley, H., Riggs, L., & Whiteman, K. (2014). Choosing the Best Evidence to Guide Clinical Practice: Application of AACN Levels of Evidence. Critical Care Nurse34(2), 58-68

Your paper should follow the following outline:


  1. Title, journal in which the study was published, year it was published
  2. Type of study (refer to the table on page 62 of this article)

Study Description:

  1. Describe the research question or hypothesis
  2. Describe the study methodology
  3. Description of the subjects and sample size

Study Findings

  1. Major findings from the study
  2. Describe study’s limitations

Rating System

  1. The rating system you chose with justification
  2. The level of the evidence with an explanation.

Construct a table of evidence (state the rating system you are using – the table may be modified if needed depending on the rating system you are using) 

Please make sure you are choosing researching articles and not opinion pieces, case studies, clinical practice guidelines, quality improvement projects or literature reviews. 

You assignment submission must include your paper and a copy of the article that you reviewed. Remember you only need to rate one article.

Here is an example of how to construct a table of evidence. You may adjust this table as needed to accommodate the rating system you are using.

Authors Names, Source, and Year Type of Study Research Question/Hypothesis Methodology/

Study Design

Level of Evidence Description of Subjects and Sample Size Major Findings
Jones and Smith, Nursing Research 2012 Descriptive study about nurses in critical care units who smoke. Do nurses in critical care smoke more than nurses in medical surgical unit? Mailed survey of hospital employees at a large university setting C 150 nurses

in critical care,150 nurses in med/surg,

80% female between ages of 25-45

There was no significant difference in smoking based on the unit worked.













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