Leadership and Stress Responses

Leadership and Stress Responses

Leadership and Stress Responses

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2 references , APA Format


Leadership Theories in Practice

(Burnout and general workload)

Occupational health issues in general and the relationship between work related stress and burn out, have been the focus of recent reviews, all of which were concerned with the well-being of

employees and the employing organizations (Jamal and Baba,2000). To reduce this health issue of burn out and general workload of health care workers, we need a good a leader that embrace



good leadership styles, principles and skills and who is grounded and knowledgeable about leadership theories and practice. The first principles among the theories recognized today is the that

leaders be grounded in some set of ethics or core values that guide human behaviors and actions. Many believe that the current health care system is broken and unsustainable. Health care

providers are faced with challenging increased costs, decreased quality nursing care, high turnover rates and increased medical errors while attempting to balance the ever-growing demand for

improved healthcare value from patients and other stakeholders. To create positive change, healthcare providers must learn how to effectively lead to staff. The principles expected of nursing

leaders include but not limited to the following, respect for others, beneficence, veracity, fidelity, justice and autonomy.

The two major key insights about Leadership theories in practice.

As job stress and possible burnout have been identified as prevalent and significant problems, it is fundamental to explore avenues that may reduce stress and its outcome. This paper takes the

position that transformational leadership holds great promise for service businesses because it can be used to reduce job stress and burnout, thereby used to create a new paradigm for the service

industry (Banerji and Krishnan, 2000) Transformational leadership is defined as raising subordinate awareness of the importance and value of designated outcomes, getting employees to

transient their own self- interest for the sake of the group or organization, and changing or increasing subordinate needs (Dubinsky, et al,1995). This leadership allows the employees under him

or her to have sense of belonging, develop faith in him, the leadership expresses appreciation to the deserved employees, develops ways of encouraging subordinates, allows employees to think

about old problems in new ways as so on. These are the likely traits we need in a leader to reduce burnout in our workplaces.

The most important skill of a nursing leader is the ability to listen to nurses. The nursing leader must be engaged in the discussions and have a physical presence in the department.

Engaging with nurses allows for an open dialogue and a discussion of ideas and provide validation.Over the few years I have been a nurse, have been under various types of leadership, bur Am

going to examine and use my current manager. My manager is from Philippines and an RN of over 20 years with different nursing backgrounds, ICU, PCU, ER and now she is now Medsurg

telemetry manager. She knows every nurse under her with our weaknesses, skills and strength. She operates open door policy, listen to every complains with adequate investigations and always

present on the unit. She always come for morning huddles and times leave in the middle of night shift. There was a particular complains from laboratory department on the issue of A.M lab

drawn on a staff who forgot to follow the policy steps. Our manager defensed the unit at the meeting by protecting the nurses under. After the meeting she called for an emergent meeting,

addressed the issue as a departmental issue.

Her leadership styles give us confident to learn new skills without tension. We always want to come to work because we have a leader who believes in us. This tends to reduce turnover

rates and staff burnout on our unit compare with other units in the hospital.


Marshall, E., & Broome, M. (2017). Transformational leadership in nursing: From expert clinician to influential leader (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Springer.

Leadership and Stress Responses



Gill, A. S., Flaschner, A. B., & Shachar, M. (2006). Mitigating stress and burnout by implementing transformational leadership. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 18(6),

Wei, H., King, A., Jiang, Y., Sewell, K. A., & Lake, D. M. (2020). The Impact of Nurse Leadership Styles on Nurse Burnout:.

Gunnarsdóttir, S., Edwards, K., & Dellve, L. (2018). Improving Health Care Organizations Through Servant Leadership.

Student # 2

Unhealthy work environments contribute to medical errors, ineffective delivery of care, and stress of healthcare employees”(Van Nieuwenhuyzen, 2016).I have worked under many managers and bosses in my healthcare career, but only one leader. A good boss has to know their team, the strengths, weaknesses, what each employee brings to the team. A good boss has to jump in and help when warranted and sit back and watch their team perform, a great boss knows how to distinguish these two scenarios from each other. I also think a good boss, in able to not get easily stressed out and be able to continue to lead should me a macro-manager, not a micro-manager. Another quality of a good leader is that they have to stress the importance of working together, instead of against each other. Creating an environment where everyone helps everyone, its not just one nurse and their patients, its all nurses helping all patients; the importance of teamwork and its impact on quality of care on hospital units has been well- documented and patient stories shared revealed their acknowledgment of this reality based on patient care delivery experiences (Fairchild, Ferng, Zwerner, 2015). A good leader has to support their staff, stand behind them and defend them when they are right, and when their staff is wrong they have to have the ability to not avoid confrontation and let their staff know how and why they were wrong and come up with strategies to fix it for next time, eemployees reporting higher levels of leadership support for health promotion also reported higher levels of wellness activity participation, lower job stress, and greater levels of health behavior(Hoert, Herd, Hambrick, 2018).

Like stated before, I have worked under only one leader, which is my current position. Right now, my leader is someone who was a fellow employee with me on the unit, when our old boss left she stepped up and took the position. At first it was a big adjustment for everyone, her especially. She had to take a step back from the friends role and step into the boss role, and I know she struggled with that. My current leader is a big sports enthusiast, she coaches, refs, and is a parent to players, so she despises the “boss, manager” names, she calls herself our leader. She treats the staff like a coach would, that we are all on a team, performing our best, taking care of the patients. She knows when to step in to help and when to stay out of situations and let us handle things; there is a layer of trust between us and her that I never felt working anywhere else. My leader is our biggest advocate and any criticism that she may have is completely constructive. She teaches us that we have to leave work at work and keep our personal lives at home, she teaches that from her own experience because when she first took over she was always there, trying to manage, and she almost lost her personal life because she paid too much attention to her work life and even at home always worried about work. I know personally she has helped me balance work and home life and now is helping me balance school. She is one of our biggest supporters and encourager of her staff continuing their education. She also became the bridge between the doctors and nurses working in trauma, creating a relationship between the two of us, creating this bond is like no other in our healthcare institution.

Leadership and Stress Responses

Fairchild, R., Ferng, S. F., & Zwerner, R. (2015). Authentic leadership practices informed by a rural hospital study. Journal of Hospital Administration4(2), 54-63.

Hoert, J., Herd, A. M., & Hambrick, M. (2018). The role of leadership support for health promotion in employee wellness program participation, perceived job stress, and health behaviors. American Journal of Health Promotion32(4), 1054-1061.

Van Nieuwenhuyzen, C. (2016). Authentic leadership in nursing: creating healthy work environments (Doctoral dissertation).

Leadership and Stress Responses

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