Disease Surveillance & Flu Vaccinations Responses

Disease Surveillance & Flu Vaccinations Responses

Disease Surveillance & Flu Vaccinations Responses

Public health nurses (PHNs) have a responsibility to do continual disease surveillance in their communities. Disease surveillance is a constant collection of public health data to assess the severity and location of diseases and using that data to mitigate the outbreaks (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2020, Chapter 22). When a PHN looks at the process and outcome data, they can see what effect their intervention had and if they need to change strategies.


Scenario 3: Disease rates are remaining at 20% of the population, and many schools have closed due to teacher absence. Since parents still have to work if they are not sick with the flu, what advice can you give daycare providers? What two ideas can you share with them so they can stay open and able to care for the children of working parents? Should all school sporting events be canceled? What information should parents be given? Should announcements be given daily?

School-aged children are associated with a high transmission rate of influenza due to increased contact with many different people and inadequate hand hygiene (Biswas et al., 2019). Two ideas that would help the daycares stay open are improving hand hygiene and checking temperature and symptoms at the door before the child comes into the facility. The daycare should have several hand-washing stations with soap and water and alcohol-based hand sanitizer in multiple locations. Daycare workers should teach the importance of hand hygiene to the children and do fun experiments to show them how germs can be spread through contact. Protocols should be put in place to check children at the door for signs/symptoms of the flu with a temperature check to decrease the chance of the children being exposed to a sick child. Any events with large numbers of people attending should be canceled to slow the transmission spread. I think that parents should get updates on ways to decrease transmission of the flu as well as updates on how many children are getting sick and ways to prevent it.

Scenario 6: The community is turning to the Health Department for assistance because reported incidents of influenza have risen from 5% of the population to 10% of the population in a matter of days. What is your first response to this situation? What steps will you take? Where will you start?

The Health Department and the PHNs need to make the community aware of all the prevention techniques to decrease the risk of contracting the flu. Hand hygiene needs to be stressed. Other ways to slow the spread are to encourage social distancing, reduce visitors to hospitals and clinics, and educating the community to stay home when sick and not go around others. The following website is a resource that is available to our community with information about the flu, how to protect yourself, where to get immunizations, and where the highest rates are located: https://www.dshs.state.tx.us/IDCU/disease/influenza/Resources.aspx.


Biswas, D., Ahmed, M., Roguski, K., Ghosh, P. K., Parveen, S., Nizame, F. A., Rahman, M., Chowdhury, F., Rahman, M., Luby, S. P., Sturm-Ramirez, K., & Iuliano, A. (2019). Effectiveness of a behavior change intervention with hand sanitizer use and respiratory hygiene in reducing laboratory-confirmed influenza among schoolchildren in Bangladesh: A cluster randomized controlled trial. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene101(6), 1446–1455. https://doi.org/10.4269/ajtmh.19-0376

Stanhope, M., & Lancaster, J. (2020). Public health nursing: Population-centered health care in the community (10th ed.). Elsevier, Inc.


Carmen Molinari

RE: Discussion – Week 4


Scenario 1: Imagine that initial pandemic flu cases have been identified in your jurisdiction. Some people are home sick, and others are staying home fearful that they may become infected with the flu. What advice would you give to local business owners to prepare for this event? Name two actions that business owners can take to keep their businesses open.

As a public health nurse preparing for a flu epidemic, it might be helpful for the nurse to help local businesses by encouraging business owners and employees to get their yearly flu vaccinations. It would also be helpful for the nurse to suggest that the business owner develop a policy for employees to follow during the flu outbreak. Something business owners could do to keep businesses open might include providing items that promote personal hygiene like tissues, hand sanitizer, hand washing stations, and no touch trash cans (United States Department of Labor, 2020). Another action a business could take is to install clear plastic barriers and sneeze guards to promote safety.

Scenario 1, Part B. As incidents of influenza continue to rise, local business owners are worried about loss of revenue if several large planned conventions are forced to cancel due to the flu. What advice can you give these business owners? Should all events be cancelled?

With local businesses worrying about loss of profit, the public health nurse should suggest that companies take necessary precautions to avoid getting sick. It would be beneficial for the nurse to talk to owners about social distancing. It could be suggested that businesses be open for carry out or drive thru only as well as offering delivery services. Events that expect to see a large number of people should be canceled to avoid transmission of the flu.

Scenario 3: Disease rates are remaining at 20% of the population, and many schools have closed due to teacher absence. Since parents still have to work if they are not sick with the flu, what advice can you give day care providers? What two ideas can you share with them so they can stay open and able to care for the children of working parents? Should all school sporting events be cancelled? What information should parents be given? Should announcements be given daily?

Some advice the public health nurse could give to day care providers might include specific ways to disinfect surfaces and recognizing warning signs in children who are sick. In order for a day care to remain open, public health nurses should encourage frequent cleaning and disinfecting of the facility as well as instructing the day care to report the number of flu cases to parents and appropriate authorities. School sporting events should be canceled to prevent further spread of the flu and parents should be given information on what to look for in your child in case emergency services are needed. Parents should also be updated daily on the number of flu cases in the day care as well as what the facility is doing to try and prevent the spread of the virus.


Schools & child care. (2019, February 7). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. https://www.cdc.gov/flu/resource-center/freeresour…

Stanhope, M., & Lancaster, J. (2020). Public health nursing: Population-centered health care in the community (10th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier

United States Department of Labor. (2020). Guidance on preparing workplaces for an influenza pandemic. Occupational Safety and Health Administration. https://www.osha.gov/Publications/influenza_pandem…


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