Formulating Strategy Using Swot Technique Thesis Paper

Formulating Strategy Using Swot Technique Thesis Paper

Formulating Strategy Using Swot Technique Thesis Paper

Section 1: Summary of the Issue

Create a 2- to 3-page for this section

  • The unmet need and how it is evident in the specific group, unit, or organization
  • The mission, vision, and values of the group, unit, or organization
  • Background, including:
    • Data from historical analysis and forecasting
    • Evidence from the literature
    • What has been attempted in the past by various individuals and groups to address this need
    • Which stakeholders should be included in the strategic planning process


  • Section 2: SWOT AnalysisWrite a 2- to 3-page summary that conveys the results of your SWOT analysis. Include:
      • Two strengths
      • Two weaknesses
      • Two opportunities
      • Two threats
      • An explanation of whether the threats or weaknesses also pose opportunities
      • Identify two strengths, two weaknesses, two opportunities, and two threats that warrant attention relative to the identified unmet need.
      • Reflect on how you distinguished between weaknesses and threats and consider whether the threats or weaknesses also pose opportunities.
      • Section 1: Summary of the Issue (2 pages)
      • Section 2: SWOT Analysis (2 pages)

      I will include discussions from week 6 and 7 for the unmet need

    Week 6Addressing an Unmet Need through Strategic PlanningStrategic planning addresses the unmet need for proper restraint documentation for safety and compliance. Hospital accreditation by the Joint Commission and CMS must document the use of restraints and seclusion, including deaths related to the use of controls. According to CMS (2020), the organization must maintain a log, written, or electronic form of restraints. The purpose of this discussion is to address an unmet need for creating an improvement in restraint safety documentation.This unmet need effects the organization, and documentation of restraint usage must be maintained to comply with improving patient safety and CMS. There are a series of elements that need to have documentation when a patient is on restraints. In the Joint Commission standard PC.03.5.15, it states that the organization will document the use of restraints or seclusion (TJC 2020). Creating an accurate flowsheet in an EMR that captures all the necessary documentation is required. Hard stops must be built in for prompting staff to complete their documentation. There must be documentation if death occurs while in restraints or within 24 hours of death. The expiration of the patient must be reported to CMS within 24 hours. Modifications of each care plan must be documented while the patient is in restraints and updated as needed. Physicians orders must be completed and signed for each episode of control and must be re-ordered within 24 hours if the incident continues. Nurses must document every two hours of each event and complete every 15-minute checks on the flowsheets. Stakeholders The identification and cultivation of stakeholders is an element (Laureate Education (Producer). (2013d). When identifying the stakeholder of this unmet need, you must look at nursing leadership, bedside nurses, hospital administration, the quality department, and nursing informatics. Because there are financial considerations that may be an impact, it is essential to include the CFO. Due to creating new workflows in the EMR, you may need to explain and demonstrate the need for the project. The medical staffing office and the CMO should also be included as a stakeholder because it impacts their workflow and medical orders. ReferenceCMS. (2020) Regulation and guidance manual. Retrieved from Education (Producer). (2013d). Elements of a strategic plan model [Video file]. Retrieved from https://class.waldenu.eduThe Joint Commission. (2020). Patient safety systems. Retrieved from…week 7SWOT Analysis A SWOT analysis is one of the important tools that you can use during strategic planning. Threats, opportunities, weaknesses, and strengths can be identified and analyzed. A SWOT analysis Can help improve goals and locate issues that can be enhanced. In this discussion, we will explain the process of a SWOT analysis for proper documentation.PlanOne unmet need is to improve restraint safety documentation. Using a SWOT analysis will help make the team and stakeholders aware of opportunities and shortcomings. The objective of this plan would be to have 100% compliance and documentation. One of the strengths that can be identified would be that the staff is highly skilled with the EMR system and will easily be able to learn the new workflow. Another advantage would be that the stakeholders are involved in planning and creating accurate flowsheets for proper documentation of restraint compliance. One weakness noticed is the workarounds in the EMR system. These workarounds enable the nurse to bypass the appropriate documentation in short cut out of that section. According to Laureate Education (2013f), opportunities can lead to growth or make visible a new unmet need. A possibility would be to work with IT and the nurse informatics in creating a hard stop so that the documentation is done correctly. The possible risk to the organization by not complying with proper documentation to CMS can be a financial one. Another chance is patient safety due to improper documentation and monitoring of the patient.How is Setting Influences the Process Emphasizing strengths, one can take benefit of the opportunities and develop plans (Hamidi, K., & Delbahari, V. 2011). An organization’s mission and vision can largely influence the hospital’s process. The stakeholders want to ensure that they follow the mission and vision of the organization and share common goals. By having all stakeholders participate and provide feedback, an absolute priority can be identified.Hamidi, K., & Delbahari, V. (2011). Formulating a strategy for a university using SWOTtechnique: A case study: Australian Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences, 5(12), 264-276. Retrieved from, K. T., Bradham, T. S., Muñoz, K. F., & Guignard, G. H. (2011). Newborn HearingScreening: An Analysis of Current Practices. Volta Review, 111(2), 109–120. Education (Producer). (2013f). Focus on SWOT analysis [Video file]. Retrieved from


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