NR 505 Analysis and Application of Clinical Practice

NR 505 Analysis and Application of Clinical Practice

NR 505 Analysis and Application of Clinical Practice

Analysis and Application of Clinical

Practice Guidelines & Scoring Rubric


The purpose of this assignment is to provide an opportunity for students to apply and disseminate information based on practice summaries. The most common type of practice summary in healthcare is the clinical practice guideline (CPG).

Course Outcomes

Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to

(CO 3) Synthesize for dissemination the research findings from nursing and related disciplines (POs 1, 3, 4, 5, 9); and

(CO 6) Utilize the principles of evidence-based practice to propose strategies that can address nursing issues (POs 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9). NR 505 Analysis and Application of Clinical Practice

Due Date:Sunday 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 7

Total Points Possible:200 Points


Through this assignment, the student will

Develop summary of a clinical practice guideline. (COs 3, 6) NR 505 Analysis and Application of Clinical Practice

Preparing the paper

You will develop a summary that you could use within an evidence-basedpractice (EBP) committee or related venue to share with your colleagues. This paper will be 2-4 pages in length.

Select a clinical practice guidelines that addresses an issue pertinent to your practice setting.

Search the literature and evidence-based practice websites and databases to find a recent clinical practice guideline (no more than 5 years) related to the issue you select. The course Webliography provides websites where you can find clinical practice guidelines, but there are many others available in specialty-organization websites. NR 505 Analysis and Application of Clinical Practice

Analyze and critique the clinical practice guideline. Use the Clinical Practice Guideline Summary Template in Course Resources to develop your paper. Components include:

o scope and purpose of the clinical practice guidelines;
o stakeholder involvement;
o rigor of development;
o clarity and presentation
o applicability
o editorial independence

Attach URL address of the Clinical Practice Guidelines on the reference page of your paper.

Note: Thetemplate isan outline to assist you in setting up your paper so you will be sure to address those topics in your paper in addition to other information to meet the criteria for this assignment. Your paper should be in APA 6th ed format. Do not copy and paste the template into your paper.

The summary sheetis amended from the AGREE instrument on page 200 of Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt (2015). Your summaryshould be approximately 5–6 pages long (Paper lengths do not include cover page or reference page(s). NR 505 Analysis and Application of Clinical Practice

Category Points % Description

Scope and Purpose 25 12.5 Describes the scope and purpose of the document. Includes the health question(s) covered by the guideline

Stakeholder Involvement 25 12.5 Describes the stakeholder involvement in the development of the document. Identifies the target population.

Rigor of Development 25 12.5 Critiques the rigor of the development of the document. Describes the systematic methods used to develop the guideline. Include level of evidence of the studies used to develop the guideline.

Clarity & presentation (Recommendations) 25 12.5 Provides thekey recommendations of the document. Discusses different options for managing the condition or issue in the guideline.

Application 25 12.5 Identifies facilitators, barriers, costs, and outcome measurement for application of the document.. Identifies key monitoring and/or auditing criteria (outcomes) NR 505 Analysis and Application of Clinical Practice

Editorial Independence 25 12.5 Discusses conflict of interest and how competing interests of the CPG group members recorded and addressed.

Summary 25 12.5 Summarizes how the CPG answers the key clinical questions presented in the CPG. Discusses how the student, as the advanced practice nurse, would apply the CPG in practice.

Uses appropriate grammar, syntax, and spelling 10 5 No more than 2 errors in grammar, syntax, or spelling.
APA 6th Edition 10 5 No more than 2 APA 6thedition errors.

Attach pdf file of the Clinical Practice Guidelines 5 2.5 A pdf copy of the Clinical Practice Guidelines submitted.

Total 200 100% A quality assignment will meet or exceed all of the above requirements. NR 505 Analysis and Application of Clinical Practice

Grading Rubric

Assignment Criteria Exceptional

Outstanding or highest level of performance


Very good or high level of performance


Competent or satisfactory level of performance

Needs Improvement

Poor or failing level of performance


Unsatisfactory level of performance

ContentPossible Points = 175 Points 

Scope and Purpose 25 Points 22 Points 20Points 10 Points 0 Points

Describes the scope and purpose of the document. Includes the health question(s) covered by the guideline Describes the scope and purpose of the document but has occasional missing information. Describes the scope and purpose of the document with a minimal amount of information presented. NR 505 Analysis and Application of Clinical Practice

Weakly describes the scope and purpose of the document. Does not include the scope or purpose of the health question covered by the guideline.

Stakeholder Involvement 25 Points 22 Points 20Points 10 Points 0 Points

Describes all of the stakeholders involvement in the development of the document. Identifies the target population Describes the stakeholder involvement in the development of the document with occasional information missing. Describes the stakeholder involvement in the development of the document with a minimal amount of information presented.

Does not describe the stakeholder involvement in the development of the document OR does not identify the target population. Does not describe the stakeholder involvement in the development of the document AND does not identify the target population. NR 505 Analysis and Application of Clinical Practice

Rigor of Development 25 Points 22 Points 20Points 10 Points 0 Points

Critiques the rigor of the development of the document. Describes the systematic methods used to develop the guideline. Includes level of evidence of the studies used to develop the guidelines. Elaborates on rigor of development. Critiques the rigor of the development of the document. Describes the systematic methods used to develop the guideline. Includes the levels of evidence of the studies used to develop the guidelines. Some occasional important information is missing. NR 505 Analysis and Application of Clinical Practice

Critiques the rigor of the development of the document. Describes the systematic methods used to develop the guideline. Includes the levels of evidence of the studies used to develop the guidelines. Provides a minimal amount of information. Does not critique the rigor of the development of the document. Does not describe the systematic methods used to develop the guideline. ORDoes not include the levels of evidence of the studies used to develop the guidelines. Does not critique the rigor of the development of the document. Does not describe the systematic methods used to develop the guideline. ANDDoes not include the levels of evidence of the studies used to develop the guidelines. 

Clarity & Presentation

25 Points 22 Points 20Points 10 Points 0 Points
Provides theall key recommendations of the document. Discusses different options for managing the condition or issue addressed in the guideline. Elaborates on the clarity and presentation of the recommendations. Provides thekey recommendations of the document. NR 505 Analysis and Application of Clinical Practice

Discusses different options for managing the condition or issue addressed in the guideline. Missing some occasional important information.

Provides thekey recommendations of the document.

Discusses different options for managing the condition or issue addressed in the guideline. Briefly elaborates on the clarity and presentation of the recommendations.

Does not provide or provide thekey recommendations of the document. ORDoes not discuss different options for managing the condition or issue addressed in the guideline. Does not provide or provide thekey recommendations of the document. ANDDoes not discuss different options for managing the condition or issue addressed in the guideline.  NR 505 Analysis and Application of Clinical Practice

Application 25 Points 22 Points 20Points 10 Points 0 Points

Identifies facilitators, barriers (real or potential), costs, and outcome measurement for application of the document. Identifies key monitoring or auditing criteria (outcomes). Identifies facilitators, barriers (real or potential), costs, and outcome measurement for application of the document. Identifies key monitoring or auditing criteria (outcomes). Some occasional important information is missing. 

Briefly Identifies facilitators, barriers (real or potential), costs, and outcome measurement for application of the document. Identifies key monitoring or auditing criteria (outcomes). Does not Identify facilitators, barriers (real or potential), costs, and outcome measurement for application of the document. ORDoes not identify key monitoring or auditing criteria (outcomes). Does not Identifies facilitators, barriers (real or potential), costs, and outcome measurement for application of the document. ANDDoes not identify key monitoring or auditing criteria (outcomes). 

Editorial Independence 25 Points 22 Points 20Points 10 Points 0 Points

Discusses conflict of interest of group members. Discusses how competing interests of the CPG group members are recorded and addressed. Addresses how the views of the funding body are kept from influencing the content of the guideline. Discusses conflict of interest of group members. Discusses how competing interests of the CPG group members are recorded and addressed.

Addresses how the views of the funding body are kept from influencing the content of the guideline. Some occasional important information is missing. Briefly discusses conflict of interest of group members. Briefly discusses how competing interests of the CPG group members are recorded and addressed. Briefly addresses how the views of the funding body are kept from influencing the content of the guideline. Does not discuss conflict of interest of group members.

Does not discuss how competing interests of the CPG group members are recorded and addressed. ORDoes not address how the views of the funding body are kept from influencing the content of the guideline. Does not discuss conflict of interest of group members. Does not discuss how competing interests of the CPG group members are recorded and addressed. AND
Does not address how the views of the funding body are kept from influencing the content of the guideline.

NR 505 Analysis and Application of Clinical Practice

Summary 25 Points 22 Points 20Points 10 Points 0 Points

Summarizes the paper. Discusses whether or not the CPG answers the key clinical question(s) presented in the CPG and elaborates. Discusses how the student, as the advance practice nurse, will apply the CPG in practice with specific examples. Summarizes the paper. Discusses whether or not the CPG answers the key clinical question(s) presented in the CPG. Discusses how the student, as the advance practice nurse, will apply the CPG in practice. Some occasional important information is missing. Briefly summarizes the paper.

Briefly discusses whether or not the CPG answers the key clinical question(s) presented in the CPG. Briefly discusses how the student, as the advance practice nurse, will apply the CPG in practice. Does not summarize the paper. Does not discuss whether or not the CPG answers the key clinical question(s) presented in the CPG. ORDoes not discuss how the student, as the advance practice nurse, will apply the CPG in practice. Does not summarize the paper. Does not discuss whether or not the CPG answers the key clinical question(s) presented in the CPG.ANDDoes not discuss how the student, as the advance practice nurse, will apply the CPG in practice.

Content Subtotal____/175 points 

FormatPossible Points = 25 Points 

Uses appropriate grammar, syntax, and spelling 10Points 9 Points 8 Points 4 Points 0 Points

No errors in grammar, syntax, or spelling 1-2 errors in grammar, syntax, or spelling 3-4 errors in grammar, syntax, or spelling 5 or more errors in grammar, syntax, or spelling 6 or more errors in grammar, syntax, or spelling
APA 6th edition 10Points 9 Points 8 Points 4 Points 0 Points

No APA 6thedition errors 1-2 APA 6thedition errors 3-4 APA 6thedition errors 5 APA 6thedition errors 6 or more APA 6thedition errorsORTurnitin similarity percentage on student written work is higher than 24%. 

Attach pdf copy of the Clinical Practice Guideline 5 Points 0 Points 

Pdf file of the Clinical Practice Guideline attached No pdf file of the Clinical Practice Guideline attached 

Format Subtotal____/25 points 

Total Points_____/200 points

NR 505 Analysis and Application of Clinical Practice

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